The Facebook Version is rocking HARD

Hey Beautifuls,

In case you haven’t already slyly discovered it from our sidebar, we have a LIVELY wonderful community going on over at It’s an auto-generated feed of the content from this blog PLUS the content from our Twitter feed (displaying as “status updates”) PLUS whatever random photos and links people fans are contributing with Facebook’s tools.

My favorite part, which is harder to replicate in a blog or Twitter feed right now, is the “Like” button. When the other volunteers and I scan the page and see “23 people liked this” under a post, we know we’re onto something. Please keep giving us this awesome feedback.

PLUS it’s easy to find and connect with other Genderforkians in the land of Facebook. If someone strikes your fancy, try adding them as a friend and including a note that says “Hey, I found you through Genderfork… you seem awesome! I’m _____. We have a lot in common.” Or, you know, something phrased less awkwardly than I would say it.

Anyway, come play!

Sarah Dopp
(the quiet happy founder of this here community space)

Posted by on November 15th, 2009 at 03:36 pm

Category: general info, requests Comment »

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