Profile: Eli


You can call me… Eli.

I identify as… queer, genderqueer (campus leader social activist cyclist vegan musician art history student).

As far as third-person pronouns go, … she/ her. i love it when i get mistaken for male though.

I’m attracted to… many varieties of female types, transmen, potentially queer men(?), lovers, activists, environmentalists, big hearts.

When people talk about me, I want them to… talk about how i influenced them to be more themselves and to reach for their goals.

I want people to understand… boxes are usually just good for storage, that gender diversity is beautiful and that anything could change your life if you let it.

About Eli
twenty-something director of her campus GLBT center, burgeoning arts administrator, musician/ art historian/ and artist wannabe, eli spends her days biking to her legal paper-sized list of commitments, gladly throwing free time away to spend time with you.

» Define yourself. «

Posted by on September 24th, 2010 at 08:00 am

Category: profiles 16 comments »

16 Responses to “Profile: Eli”

  1. elias

    lol. this is my profile that i submitted a several months before coming out as transmale. my how the times they change.


    Anonymous replied:

    It’s not at all fair of me to say this, but… damn. Here I was relieved to find another FAAB genderqueer who used female pronouns.

    On the other hand, congrats on moving forward. :)


    Jessica replied:

    Don’t know if I’m FAAB but I’m genuinely genderqueer and I use female gender pronouns… whether other people do about me rather depends on my mood, the weather, what I decided to wear today, etc.,… all part of the life process.


    Anonymous replied:

    Oops—FAAB = Female assigned at birth.

    And thanks.

    Jessica replied:

    So –MAAB = Male assigned at birth
    –NAAB = Not assigned at birth
    –BAAB = Both assigned at birth
    –DAAB = Disputed assignment at birth
    –UAAB = Unknown assignment at birth

    Can’t think of any others… but it’s Friday.

    There’s also: GM, GF, GNG and GIG which I have also seen expressed as: blood female, blood male, blood neuter and blood indeterminate.

    Some people also like to refer to people as raised male, raised female.

    I hate to specify because of all those people who will then place in entirely within THAT box. Don’t like to belong to somebody else’s taxonomic category. I want one of my own and I want it roomy and comfortable.

    Cat replied:

    Hello there, I’m a genderqueer who uses female pronouns! I like the idea of gender-neutral pronouns as a general device to avoid sexist writing and to describe genuinely gender-neutral people, but I’m androgynous, not gender-neutral (that is, I’m in the middle of the spectrum, not off it entirely) so I can’t use pronouns like ze/hir in good conscience—my opinion about this has changed constantly in the past few months—since I’d feel like I was getting erased. I do quite like singular “they,” though!

    Part of my using female pronouns is also due to my being an extreme creature of habit, since I’m autistic. I’m currently writing a big long article about how to reconcile being simultaneously autistic and genderqueer. It’s been interesting.


  2. Jessica

    Pleased to meet you, sir. Always glad to see someone in motion. It’s so frustrating that so many people try to stay stuck.. some even imagine that they are staying the same. What a waste if you succeed.


  3. jean c.

    whoa awesome change and shift. that’s kind of what has kept me from submitting a profile to genderfork… the understanding that I am super different month to month if not week to week… not that I’m going back & forth, just that I don’t know where I might be in learning & understanding six months or a year from now… !


    tigr replied:

    I’d say that’s just the reason you *should* submit a profile — so you know what you thought some time in the past and compare that with how you feel now :) it’s rather difficult to do that for oneself, usually, because most changes are so gradually… of course, you could just write a profile and keep it for yourself, but it might be more fun to share? :)


  4. Cydne

    I really want to ruffle your hair. It looks so soft!

    Ahem, now I’ve got my creepiness out of the way… I love that ‘boxes are usually just good for storage’ quote. It would work well on a t-shirt.

    Hey, anyone else think Genderfork should open a cafepress or something using cool little quotes from submitters like this?


  5. N

    Oh, yes, that would actually, Cydne, be really cool.

    ”Boxes are generally just good for storage.”


  6. Anonymous

    it looks like you’re singing. i love singing =)


  7. Anonymous

    artsy people are hot ;)


  8. elias

    it’s really wonderful to see all your comments about changing and progress. since i submitted this profile, i started blogging about my transition. if anyone is interested, it’s :)


    Jessica replied:

    I like your comments. They make me think in different terms about my own journey. You’re less than half my age and it makes me wonder where you’ll be when you cross my meridian.


  9. CYR

    i read your blog. all of it. thank you so much for sharing that.

    p.s. marry me?


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