Profile: Hollis

You can call me… Hollis.

I identify as… Genderqueer. I refuse to choose from the two genders the American society has proposed to me.

As far as third-person pronouns go, … I prefer for the person to make a choice. My girlfriend will usually use she but occasionally calls me a boi, which is fantastic. I love it when a stranger mistakes me for male and uses he or him.

I’m attracted to… women, mostly. I like women that range from prissy to androgynous. I find that I am attracted to anyone that is androgynous regardless of their sex. I love genderfucking; it’s a turn-on.

When people talk about me, I want them to… be as confused about gender as I am, maybe they will realize that other genders are needed in our culture. :) I also want them to realize that I am a person of many things and I am more complex than they imagine.

I want people to understand… that my gender is queer. That I do not fit into boxes. And that I live with this in mind: “Don’t compromise yourself – you’re all you got!” (Quote by Janis Joplin)

About Hollis
I try to blog about my experiences being genderqueer when I have time. Also my experiences with other trans people, as I often feel pressured to choose a gender.

» Define yourself. «

Posted by on October 20th, 2010 at 08:00 am

Category: profiles 5 comments »

5 Responses to “Profile: Hollis”

  1. Jay

    Am definitely going to be checking out your blog, because I see a lot of myself in what you say. And Janis Joplin quote, yay!


  2. J.D.

    the fact that you both quoted Janis Joplin and have so much to say that rings true makes you my hero of the day. The world needs more people like you.


  3. Thomas

    I absolutely love how open you are in your blog about gender confusion. You’re completely right that too often we’re pressured to pick a side, so to speak, and once we’ve made that decision it seems like we’re not allowed to ever change our mind. I’m in pretty much the exact same boat you’re in with gender- female bodied, don’t identify as male or female. Chin up and stay strong- you’re not entirely isolated! This site is so refreshing to find others going through what I am. Thank you for sharing Hollis!


  4. Jessica

    I have been enjoying your blog, too. Excellent.


  5. Hollis

    Thanks everyone! It really is refreshing to have an online supportive community, since out here I often feel isolated, like no one understands. I will not choose a gender and I like it! I confuse people and often I feel like an outcast but this website helps me remember that I am not the only person in the world that is “both” genders.


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