Recommendation: Scott Turner Schofield

QueerAsa3$BillinaDress recommends…


Scott Turner Schofield
Performance Artist, Author, Community Activist/Educator

Quote from his website: “Scott Turner Schofield is a man who was a woman, a lesbian turned straight guy who is usually taken for a gay teenager. A former debutante and homecoming queen coming out in the Deep South, the work and the life on which it is based contain hilarious contradictions bordered with the possibility of terrifying consequences. Key to the work is a keen awareness of culture and self that maintains an accessible perspective even within the most particular of circumstances.”

I recently came across his work when he appeared on the reality TV dating show “Conveyor Belt of Love” and created an online buzz about “stealth” trans people on reality dating shows. His work is poignant and moving in its sheer honesty and vulnerability, but he avoids the confessional and depressing with a keen wit and impeccable comedic timing. Also check him out on YouTube touring with his book “2 Truths and a Lie.”

» Recommend something. «

Posted by on March 18th, 2010 at 08:00 am

Category: people, recommendations One comment »

One Response to “Recommendation: Scott Turner Schofield”

  1. Mak

    Scott’s a great guy, and his performance art is really funny and interesting. I second this recommendation.


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