Iggy Pop


Originally posted on this tumblr.

Posted by on February 12th, 2012 at 10:00 am

Category: faces 15 comments »

15 Responses to “Iggy Pop”

  1. Thomas

    So great!


  2. freiya

    This makes me love Iggy Pop even more – such a fantastic quote!


  3. radical/rebel

    Iggy Pop is a rad dude. Sometimes, I really like the info on famous people that shows up on Genderfork–helps me see how far genderqueer attitutes have spread and are prevalent.


  4. shakes

    this iggy quote made me think the whole day, what if I am not born into a wrong female body(as I have thought throuout the wohle past year)? What if it`s the right body and I am just ashamed of it??? That would lead my `am I ftm or am I not?`-confusion into a new direction….it feels like some ugly truth wants to take my little boy inside away again. But I don`t want to loose “him”. Will I like my female body, once I get over the shame? So am I a “shameless, real woman trapped in an ugly woman`s body”????

    Don`t get me wrong, I like Iggy for saying things like that, but it feels like he says “you`re not trans, you`re just ashamed!” and I do not like that. I do not want to have spent a year and more time on a wrong path….


    radical/rebel replied:

    I don’t think Iggy Pop is talking about trans men.

    I think Iggy Pop is talking about the way we let women wear pants and we mock/attack men in dresses, or make-up, or high heels. Masculinity is valued and desirable for people with all bodies. Femininity is suppose to only be acceptable on people with vaginae. It’s a system. It’s called patriarchy.


    Elle replied:

    Agree, but how about we call it misogyny rather than patriarchy? Patriarchy implies that most men are oppressors, when it’s actually the case that most oppressors are men. It’s like all cats are animals but not all animals are cats.


    radical/rebel replied:

    I will never, EVER be content to replace “patriarchy” with “misogyny.” They are two different things.

    “Patriarchy is a term that indicates the overall dominance of men in all social, political, corporate, and interpersonal venues of society. Patriarchy sums up the collection of interactions that produce our culture, where most of the books we study in literature class are by men, most of the CEOs of top companies are men, and all of our presidents have been men. Patriarchy also denotes the systematic devaluing of women and femininity that have accompanied the honor we’ve bestowed upon men in countless ways. The important thing to keep in mind about patriarchy is that, when feminists talk about patriarchy, they are not making the claim that all men benefit all the time from patriarchy. In fact, patriarchy ought to be seen as a force that’s detrimental to the potential of all persons. Patriarchy gives rise to the gender binary, and the gender binary is the system that punishes everyone who fails to be a proper “man” or “woman.” For instance, our culture has very strong rules about what kinds of emotion it’s appropriate for men to display—mostly “masculine” traits, like anger. Sadness or vulnerability are not prized for men, and instead are seen as indications of “weakness.” It is our strict gender norms, springing from patriarchy, that produce this divide about what sexes may display which emotions.”

    Anonymous replied:



  5. Chuck



  6. KG

    Where and when did he say this? Has anyone got a source more reliable than tumblr, blogs and so on?


  7. shakes

    I am sorry, I felt personally offended when I read the Iggy-quote. I know of course he did not talk about transmen. I am so confused these days. I don`t even know if I really am a transman….I have the wish to be something that is NOT a woman, but I have no idea why…I haven`t had any real bad experiences with my female rolemodels, but stil I can`t visualize myself as a woman in future….
    But I can visualize myself as a transman/on the male side of the spectrum in future, even though I have some bad memories of my male rolemodels…both my female and male rolemodels have not acted like I had expected them to.

    I find it so boring that most people still think that all men are bad oppressors and all women are victims. I think even men in dresses can be oppressors. I think even women in dresses behind their bakeovens in their beautiful kitchens can be oppressors. I think this is a question of education and evolution of ones genes….I wish more people could think this way, so the “good old” binary-arguments would loose more and more power.
    Last but not least: I find men in dresses extremely sexy and I find Iggy Pop sexy anyway!!


    radical/rebel replied:

    Gender Outlaw by Kate Bornstein
    Gender Outlaws edited by S. Bear Bergman and Kate Bornstein
    Butch is a Noun by S. Bear Bergman
    The Nearest Exit May Be Behind You by S. Bear Bergman
    Persistence: All Ways Butch and Femme, edited by Ivan Coyote and Zena Sharman

    You don’t have to be a woman or a trans man. You can be “not a woman” without transitioning, deciding you’re a man, or anything else.


  8. shakes

    Tank you. Book recommandations are always welcome, but I have read Kates works over and over again, and I love Kate and her ideas. I am just fucking angry that I have been raised by parents, friends and society into a person who wants to be either or. I hate it but I still do have these wishes to define myself on the known spectrum. I know I don`t have to be what I don`t want to be. But I`m so unhappy that leaving the binary still means beeing an outcast. In most peoples heads. And I don`t know if I am strong enough to live as an outcast, facing harassement and whatever each day of my life.
    And: I will loose my job when I start to express more like I feel. It turns out that my job is the only thing I am good at. So….Kate Bornstein won`t pay my rent, if I get fired for showing up in a buttondown and tie in a catholic kindergarden, telling the little boys it`s ok to wear a dress….

    Well as I said, thank you for your responses. I am happy to get challenged by other points of view than mine, and finding words to answer you helps me express better what I think and to clear up my messy brain.


    radical/rebel replied:

    there’s living as you are forced to live, and living as you desire to live. it sounds like you’re struggling with which side of this divide to fall on.

    living as a gender “outsider” isn’t even easy, but neither is lying, deeply and fundamentally, every day about who you are and how you feel. one of these choices is liberating, one is stifling. I wish that you find the resources, community, and support to be the person you truly are.

    with hope for a queerer, radder, more revolutionary world,


  9. Jak

    I posted this picture on FB when I saw it. I thought it was wonderful.


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