Profile: Bree

You can call me… Bree.

I identify as… someone who loves equally and thinks that no matter your gender, size, shape, hair color, tattoos, or what you consider yourself, you’re perfect.

As far as third-person pronouns go, … IDK!!

I’m attracted to… femm girls who are true to themselves, and are not skinny little girls. I like my women healthy :]

When people talk about me, I want them to… think of me as someone who is the best they can be. Someone who is always honest and true to who they really are.

I want people to understand… no matter what you see on the outside of me, I am equal and will always welcome them with open arms!!

About Bree
I am a honest and truthful person, who just wants to be the one people rely on when they are alone and need a friend. I am me, I don’t care what anyone thinks or labels me as. 

» Define yourself. «

Posted by on April 18th, 2012 at 04:00 pm

Category: profiles 6 comments »

6 Responses to “Profile: Bree”

  1. radical/rebel

    “skinny” and “healthy” are not mutually exclusive categories. in fact, being fat-positive and body-positive includes recognition that “skinny” bodies that exist that way naturally are as beautiful, legitimate, and worth celebrating as all other bodies.

    in our struggle for a world that’s more accepting, we need not marginalize the kinds of bodies that have typically been seen as desirable, but rather seek a world in which all bodies are seen as the glorious things they are. :-D


    Anonymous replied:

    YES. Absolutey! Skinny, too, can be healthy. Celebrate all frames, shapes, and sizes.


    Anonymous replied:

    I came here to say exactly this. Accepting one body type should not mean denigrating another, and that goes in both directions.


  2. Nai

    ^ THIS.


  3. Anonymous

    Yeah…I came to the comments section to say what everyone has already said. I will NEVER deny my thin-privilege, but that doesn’t mean I’m not healthy. Healthy bodies defy shape and size categorization.


  4. JUST A GIRL :)

    I just happened to stumble across this website and even though I am straight and don’t have any gender problems, I have a few friends who are homosexual and transgender and I think that this website is very nice..everyone should feel good about themselves simply for having the courage to be themselves <3 Oh, and p.s Bree, you are super fit, I'd give ya one! lol :)


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