Gender neutral

Someone wrote…

I have always identified as female, but I have always been a bit of an odd ball. I keep my hair short, I despise wearing make up for any reason, and I even had an online friend who was convinced I was male by my profile pictures because I never took any pictures showing my chest.

I’ve thought long and hard about my gender identity, and have thought that I would prefer to be male… But now that I am in college and finding more and more genderqueer people, I realize that what I really want is to be completely gender neutral. I don’t want breasts, and I don’t feel the need for ovaries. I never want to have kids, and consider myself completely asexual.

I just wish that this idea was more widely accepted. Most doctors won’t do top or bottom surgery unless one has gender dysphoria, but that isn’t the case for me. I am female. I know I am female. I don’t feel like I am the WRONG gender, so much as I would rather not have a gender at all. It isn’t even LABELS that I have a problem with. I don’t care if people call me female, male, she/he, whatever. I just don’t want to BE a gender.

I don’t care if society changes…I just want to change.

What’s your experience?

And what are you thinking about gender right now?

Posted by on November 22nd, 2013 at 08:00 am

Category: your voice One comment »

One Response to “Gender neutral”

  1. Thomas

    You’re not alone in feeling like this. One of my favourite resources for non-binary transition is a blog from someone who’s been there, doing that ( It has helped me feel less alone in this world, and hopefully it can do the same for you.


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