Profile: Lisa Western


You can call me… Lisa Western.

I identify as… a happy TRANS woman.
It took me a long time to accept that label, and I have now embraced it with all my being!

As far as third-person pronouns go, … she, her.
It’s quite simple really!

I’m attracted to… men. Hairy men especially! Big ones, small ones, straight, gay or trans. It’s the male energy that I am drawn to…
Butch lesbians sometime make my preference spectrum go wibbly wobbly!

When people talk about me, I want them to… ask and never assume.
My job as a Drag Queen confuses people.
My personal music preference for rock confuses people.
My spiritual belief confuses people.
One simple way not to be confused is to ask me!
My lack of hatred about being trans confuses people.

I want people to understand… that not all trans people want to erase their past. That not all trans people want to be pretty little princesses or big strapping butch cowboys! That we are all individuals with our own place on the spectrum of this thing called Life!

About Lisa Western
Lisa Western runs Trans-Mission a (soon to be launched) website aimed at providing the trans community with more than just cold facts, more than just trans flag tat, and more than just opinions. She has also been a professional entertainer for twelve years. In her time, she has run shops, pubs and even worked in a call centre! She is also a Tarot reader and has been known to eat chips!

» Define yourself. «

Posted by on March 14th, 2013 at 08:00 am

Category: profiles One comment »

One Response to “Profile: Lisa Western”

  1. Cat

    Wow, you’re a pretty amazing person. Thanks for sharing!


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