Recommendation: Gender Anarchy

Paesan recommends…

A cartoon with twelve frames.   1) A person, seemingly male, sees a toilet door in the distance. 2) Close-up: the label of the door shows the 'man' pictogram. 3) The person approaches the door. 4) Close-up: the label becomes blurry.   5) The label becomes blurrier and changes. 6) The label now shows a figure in a short skirt, standing with legs apart. 7) The person retreats from the door, and the label becomes blurry again. There is a question mark over the person's head. 8) The label now shows a figure made out of one half of the 'man' and one half of the 'woman' pictogram.   9) The person is now facing a small table next to the door. 10) The person picks up a leaflet from the table. 11) Close-up: the leaflet held in hand; it says 'PROPAGANDA'. 12) The person looks at the label again; it now shows a figure with arms stretched apart and one leg to the side. There is an exclamation mark over the person's head.

I was browsing around on the web and came across this fantastic, smart person and a project of theirs from 2005. Imagine if this had been up longer than two weeks! I love the idea of using tech to bring people together. From what I can tell, most of their work is in that vein.

» Recommend something. «

Posted by on June 12th, 2013 at 08:00 am

Category: art, recommendations Comment »

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