
Someone wrote…

When I identified as a trans man, I used to worry and stress out about whether or not I was “passing”, and trans men I knew never wasted an opportunity to tell me I wasn’t “passing” and I wasn’t “manly enough”. Now that I identify as Agender, it feels like the word “passing” doesn’t apply to my life anymore. As far as I know, there are no rules and tips for “passing” as genderless! (if there are any rules, let me know.. so I can ignore them)
As an Agender person, I feel free to express myself however I want, without worrying about the gender police issuing me a citation for not being “manly enough”.

What’s your experience?

And what are you thinking about gender right now?

Posted by on January 16th, 2014 at 08:00 am

Category: your voice One comment »

One Response to “Agender”

  1. radical/rebel

    as a femme-y trans masculine person who is definitely not “masculine enough” or “manly enough” in the eyes of the gender police, I wanna say

    1) fuck the (gender) police!
    2) I’m glad you found a label, “agender,” that works for you and helps you recognize that you don’t need anyone’s permission or approval to be who you are. <3
    3) I'm so grateful for the rad trans* community I've found and the ways they show me every day that gender norms have got to go.

    radical gratitude, radical names for our beautiful genders


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