Profile: James Elizabeth

You can call me… James Elizabeth.

I identify as… Nonbinary, effeminate, fluid and transgender.

As far as third-person pronouns go, … I like a mix. If I can’t have that, I’ll deal with whatever comes my way.

I’m attracted to… Everyone’s really pretty and I’m bored by sex. Whatever that translates to, I’m that.

When people talk about me, I want them to… Not quite understand what it is they’re talking about, but they know it’s good. I’d also like them to talk about how much they want to give me a ton of money, but I do have some sense of realism.

I want people to understand… How much more interesting the world is when there’s more than a couple types of person in it.

About James Elizabeth.
I’m an aspiring writer, an in-progress linguist, and a massive, over-eager nerd. I come from a rural part of the UK, and trust me, that’s not as sweet a deal as it might sound. I’m on Tumblr at partially-stars.

» Define yourself. «

Posted by on June 1st, 2014 at 08:00 am

Category: profiles 2 comments »

2 Responses to “Profile: James Elizabeth”

  1. Anonymous

    You’re really cute and you seem really cool, but it’s the Welcome to Desert Bluffs poster that’s sealed your awesomeness in this genderqueer kid’s mind!


  2. Joe

    You are absolutely adorable!


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