Archive for April 2015

Profile: KT

You can call me… KT

I identify as… genderfluid, panromantic, and demisexual.

As far as third-person pronouns go, … It would be much appreciated if you would use they/them.

I’m attracted to… all genders romantically.

When people talk about me, I want them to… say nice things about my personality and that I make a good impression on others.

I want people to understand… I can’t be open about my sexuality and gender because there are hateful, ignorant people in this world.

About KT
Hi there, I’m KT. I’m a hella gay nerd. I have an INFJ personality and Libra zodiac sign. I’m a feminist, slam poetry writer, and a LGBT+ rights activist. I dabble in the art of watching anime and reading numerous books. I’m not open about my sexuality or gender, so I’ve only told a few close friends, who were very accepting. That’s about it! c:

» Define yourself. «

Posted by on April 4th, 2015 at 08:00 am

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To be Allowed to be Myself

Someone wrote…

I keep looking at my past and noticing I didn’t conform to gender even before I understood what gender was. Now, after living as a woman for decades, I just want to be allowed to be myself but at the same time I don’t know how. Can I just change? Do I need to tell people?

I wish I could talk about it but I’m scared of sounding self-absorbed, or that other people will find me weird or that I’m forcing myself to be unique. I am not, this is who I am. I never felt like a woman, and I never wanted to be one, but I also don’t feel like a man or wish to transition into one.

For the longest time I thought everyone felt this way, unhappy with their gender and body parts.

What’s your experience?

And what are you thinking about gender right now?

Posted by on April 3rd, 2015 at 08:00 am

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Trans Pride Flag

Reposted from Natalie on Flickr.

( Submit A Photo )

Posted by on April 2nd, 2015 at 10:00 am

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A video giving background to the #clothinghasnogender activism supporting Morgan Ball.

Posted by on April 2nd, 2015 at 08:00 am

video | 1 comment »

Memoirs of Gender Dysphoria

Chase wrote…

The cloud hangs over my head
The pain I’ve felt for years
It makes me sleep and not get out of bed
And makes me awake each night with tears

I wake up each morning my eyes full of tears
And I put on my binder
As I try to push away my fears
I force myself to go to school feeling like a liar

There’s those teachers, known by first name
I use my free time to beg for any help at all
But they all act the same
“I can’t call you by that name, no not at all.”

“We can only use name and sex on your birth certificate,
No other may be used,
We have to tell dad about this.”
He is a lit fuse

The other kids ask questions all day long,
Although it hurts me deep inside,
I know I must be strong.
And I hate the rules, but I know I must abide.

I’m reminded of my pain when my binder is forced on.
It hurts and rubs against my chaffing skin.
People see that my inner light is gone,
And they ask me where I’ve been.

I feel the lump in my throat as I look in the mirror
“Chase, you’re so much better than this!!”
But as I say this, the female me makes me feel inferior.
“You’ll never be a real boy! You’re a girl with a selfish wish!”

As I force myself to see my female form,
In the mirror there’s a stranger I see.
My hair is short, my clothes are torn.
But the body that I have, this person isn’t me!

This stranger in the mirror, this human prison.
I think a shower might calm my restless mind.
How disgusting and awful is this mission,
To wash a body that wasn’t meant to be mine?

Now I have to wait for the dysphoria to lessen.
I take it day by wretched day, and maybe I won’t get through.
I look up and see that the moon’s a lovely crescent,
And maybe I’ll wake up from this nightmare really soon

What’s your experience?

And what are you thinking about gender right now?


Posted by on April 1st, 2015 at 08:00 am

poetry, your voice | Comment »

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