Profile: Jay

You can call me… Jay

I identify as… Genderqueer or transexual (Still getting used to all the terminology!), biological male.

As far as third-person pronouns go, … He

I’m attracted to… Men sexually, women as close friends

When people talk about me, I want them to… Not think any different of me should they find out. Regarding those people who know me but haven’t known this particular facet of me, to remember i’m the same person I have always been.

I want people to understand… That those of us who have different sexual preferences or gender identifications are people too-just like them.

About Jay
I’m a 43 year old male who works in the medical field. I’ve been married to a woman for 17 years (that’s a whole other story) and only came out to her about a year ago. That was tough enough but it was made a little easier by the fact that I have always been faithful to her (though temptation has been very hard to resist.) Anyway, thats a big reason I’m here-to be able to communicate with others who might actually understand what I’m going through.

» Define yourself. «

Posted by on May 26th, 2015 at 08:00 am

Category: profiles Comment »

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