Profile: Sara

You can call me… Sara (I would actually prefer something more neutral but it just seems inconvenient to think of atm)

I identify as… Genderqueer. I think.

As far as third-person pronouns go, … I don’t really care. As long as nothing is said disrespectfully

I’m attracted to… Men and women. Usually more attracted to men though, or androgynous women

When people talk about me, I want them to… Respect me, and not just see me as a female or something like that. I want people to SEE me. Not just superficially. Of course that’s impossible, everyone judges, myself included, it’s in human nature but yeah. I want people to look beyond gender.

I want people to understand… That I’m a free person.. I’m actually not really sure I care. It all really depends on what person we are talking about. There are some people where I would care, but mostly I’d say I don’t really. I guess it would be nice in general if everyone would be more accepting of each others lifestyle.

About Sara
I feel like I’m applying for a job application. Very nervous about it. And it looks kinda bad. Well hi anyways. I don’t understand how this works.. I’m confusing, sorry.

» Define yourself. «

Posted by on December 3rd, 2015 at 08:00 am

Category: profiles 2 comments »

2 Responses to “Profile: Sara”

  1. Anonymous


    Thank you for submitting your profile to Genderfork! You did a great job and this community is so glad to have you as part of it. <3

    Love your haircut, btw!

    Radical genders and radical community,
    radical/rebel <3


  2. key

    my name is keyvan
    I am 23 years old
    I am a man

    I’m living in Asia in southern Iran.

    One can imagine how far apart the
    I thought I
    Perhaps an ideal life

    I’m hoping
    with you
    In a faraway place
    If there is a possibility
    Send me a message


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