Archive for July 2016

Profile: K

You can call me… K

I identify as… Genderfluid/genderqueer. Yay!

As far as third-person pronouns go, … I prefer they/them, but if you mess my pronouns up, no worries :)

I’m attracted to… Nerds and vampires. Pansexual/panromantic.

When people talk about me, I want them to… not misgender or bad mouth me. It hurts.

I want people to understand… I’m shy, but PLEASE LOVE ME.

About K
I really like chocolate and equal rights. I have an adorable non binary partner and I love hugs.

» Define yourself. «

Posted by on July 11th, 2016 at 08:00 am

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Someone wrote…

I’ve been using a binder for almost ten years now. Living in a small country in the north, this means that I have to buy them online from faraway places.

For the first time ever, I’m having to pay some sort of customs duty or whatever for a binder, so I set out on the national customs webpage and check out the product categories they have there.

… they categorise men’s and women’s clothes separately. That’s all the clothes categories they have.

I’m not sure where the injury is here, but I feel like this is adding insult to something.

What’s your experience?

And what are you thinking about gender right now?

Posted by on July 10th, 2016 at 08:00 am

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Profile: Sofie

You can call me… Sofie

I identify as… a female, bisexual human being, that would be totally okay to live in both polygamy and monogamy.

As far as third-person pronouns go, … I like to be referred to as she, her and hers.

I’m attracted to… men and women, both sexually and romantically, but I don’t label myself, I just call myself “bisexual” because I think it fits me and if I ever fall in love with someone who does not identify as a man or woman, i’m totally okay with that as long as it’s my decision.

When people talk about me, I want them to… accept who or what I am. Because it’s not their choice, who or what I am and when they try to control me somehow, they don’t deserve my respect.

I want people to understand… that not every person on this world is automatically born as a heterosexual man / woman.
Sexuality, gender and preferences are spectra.
We are not labelled. You choose how you want to live.
You and only you.

» Define yourself. «

Posted by on July 9th, 2016 at 08:00 am

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My Dream

Someone wrote…

I was born a female but I have a very very strong desire to transition to male. I feel so uncomfortable in a feminine body! My sexual identity is Pansexual, and I feel sexually attracted to any gender. I feel more sexual desire for other females and have often wondered if I was gay, straight, or bi. After settling with Pansexual and feeling a whole lot more at home, my only wish is to learn more about my dream of transitioning to the male gender and the facts of life of it. Thank you so much!

What’s your experience?

And what are you thinking about gender right now?

Posted by on July 8th, 2016 at 08:00 am

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casual outfits

Submitted by Jo, the model.

“my look, my style”

( Submit A Photo )

Posted by on July 7th, 2016 at 10:00 am

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Question: How can I be butch in my body?

Charlotte asks…

I am a curvy woman. I have huge boobs (which I wish I didn’t have at all) and huge hips and a shapely body.

My whole life I’ve never wanted to present feminine. I feel like I only suit women’s clothes, but I hate myself in them. They just feel like they don’t belong to me. It freaks me out if people say they would consider me femme.

I haven’t presented butch since I was a child and I don’t know how to make my gender presentation feelings fit with my adult body. I work in an office and I need to look presentable. How do I do this? Please help me!

Please post your response in the comments below.

» Ask Genderfork «

Posted by on July 7th, 2016 at 08:00 am

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Someone wrote…

I’ve almost exclusively used non-gendered terms to refer to myself for years and no one’s ever noticed.

What’s your experience?

And what are you thinking about gender right now?

Posted by on July 6th, 2016 at 08:00 am

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Profile: Alex

You can call me… Alex

I identify as… Questioning. Probably genderfluid. On occasional days maybe a boy and on other occasional days a girl.

As far as third-person pronouns go, … Xe/Xem/Xyr/Xyrs or He/Him/His/His (although I’ve never tried this I want to) and if anyone I know is around She/Her/Her/Hers (Yes her and his are there twice)

I’m attracted to… Guys I think and maybe others. I haven’t had any actual crushes and have never been anywhere near a relationship. and I have no clue about my sexuality.

When people talk about me, I want them to… Use my pronouns but thats the extent to which they should be thinking about my gender when talking about me. And don’t act like I weird or special or different.

I want people to understand… I’m not mad at them if I respond quickly and a bit sharply to a pronoun mess up. And I’m just a kid but that doesn’t make me less understanding of this stuff or anything.

About Alex
I am a hiker (hope to hike the AT someday) but otherwise Im not considered sporty. I’m very independent. I don’t have a lot of friends and I never hang with them outside of school. I make my own meals for myself and I can be alone. I am part of a GSA but I can’t come out to them or anyone really. Its just too hard when you know them well.

Posted by on July 5th, 2016 at 08:00 am

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Profile: Mica

You can call me… Mica

I identify as… Neither male nor female. I am both and none, like some sort of in between gender. I prefer the term “queer” to anything else.

As far as third-person pronouns go, … I was using male for a while even though I am female bodied, but lately I have been introduced to the Swedish gender neutral term “hen”, I like it.

I’m attracted to… Men, but only a certain type, I am not that interested in sex but love to cuddle up to a good man.

When people talk about me, I want them to… Think of me as anyone else, I know I am different but I’m not an alien. Treat me with respect as they would be expecting to be treated with respect.

I want people to understand… That they will never truly understand what it is like to be queer unless they are themselves. It hurts me to hear people talk as though I don’t know who I am, I do, they don’t. Again, respect.

About Mica
Forty seven years old, never felt like I belong to either gender but now becoming comfortable with myself for who I am. I have only a few good friends who love me for me and the support of my family is very important.

» Define yourself. «

Posted by on July 3rd, 2016 at 10:00 am

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Just Pee

BIG disclaimer: The Genderfork Team debated posting this video due to one ignorantly-written line*. We decided in favor of posting, due to its other redeeming qualities. We hope you enjoy the other 1:49 of the video!

*The line is “…and those who have yet to make up their minds.” Even if we decide to give them the benefit of the doubt and guess that this was intended as tongue-in-cheek, it still seems in poor taste that it is delivered by two cis people. To make matters worse, it’s followed by “crazy,” an ableist term. We hope the song makes up for these shortcomings!

Posted by on July 3rd, 2016 at 08:00 am

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Profile: Jem

You can call me… Jem

I identify as… no idea. i don’t feel agender because i don’t lack gender, but i’m not male or female or bigender. just… something. no labels please

As far as third-person pronouns go, … they/them :)

I’m attracted to… romantically: all guys, masculine girls and very feminine girls
physically: fem guys and all girls

**not looking for a partner. i am a smol 13 y/o

When people talk about me, I want them to… not try to label me because i don’t really want to be labeled

I want people to understand… that there aren’t 100000 genders. there may be a lot but it isn’t hard to learn them all

About Jem
i’m a huge nerd and love art and i’m horrible at sports. i spend most of my waking hours on the internet.

» Define yourself. «

Posted by on July 2nd, 2016 at 10:00 am

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Profile: Sean

You can call me… Sean

I identify as… AMAB Gender Neutral/agender – I don’t feel a disconnect from my male body, but I don’t identify with male or female. I love playing with masculinity and femininity.

As far as third-person pronouns go, … they/them or zhe/zhim/zherself pronouns, but I like when people mix it up. Don’t mind Male pronouns

I’m attracted to… Primarily other AMAB or masculine-of-center people, so I guess gay/androsexual. I like guys who are funny, witty and sweet.

When people talk about me, I want them to… recognise me for the person I am and who I want to be. And, above all else, be honest.

I want people to understand… I don’t want my physical body to restrict what and how I can present myself as.

About Sean
I have only recently come into understanding myself as a non-binary person, formerly identifying exclusively as a gay male. While the gay remains the same, my gender has finally made itself clear. I have always felt the restrictions on what AMAB and AFAB can do was the worst thing, and that people should be allowed at all times to do what they please.

If you every want to talk with me, my tumblr is thekunstisme. I just want to meet other non-binary people and share in that experience.

» Define yourself. «

Posted by on July 1st, 2016 at 10:00 am

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