at my receptionist job

You can call me… at my receptionist job

I identify as… agender, gender queer, and angry.

As far as third-person pronouns go, … I wish they weren’t gendered because even a gender-neutral term seems to reference a gendered one.

I’m attracted to… fervent and dark senses of humor, people who are uber consensual and not weird about it, people with hard shells and sweet, intelligent inards, strangeness, unconditional understanding. Lately more attracted to my future than to anyone sexually.

When people talk about me, I want them to… practice understanding of the complexity of me, just as they should consider and respect the complexity of everyone.

I want people to understand… That if you use gender to decide how to treat someone, you very likely are being conscending or disrespectful of someone.

About at my receptionist job
After almost 3 decades of feeling like an alien, I recently realized that people in general have their struggles, too. I grew up without much guidance, like many of us do, and have been trying to put myself in positions where I’ll be forced to learn.

» Define yourself. «

Posted by on January 10th, 2016 at 08:00 am

Category: profiles Comment »

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