Profile: Haru

You can call me… Haru

I identify as… genderfluid.
My gender changes from time to time. In general I am one of the following: Male, Female, unclear mix of Male and Female and Space Marine. The last one is a bit tricky. When I am traveling or working I am focused on something during that time, and I only see the task and noting else. Even if a person I find attractive would walk past me I would not notice it. This goes to the point of not even feeling part of the same species.

As far as third-person pronouns go, … I find pronoun difficult. When I am a male a male pronoun is good, but as a female I would feel hurt since that would mean I am not a Women just a Guy in disguise. Since my gender switches and even I do not know from time to time which pronoun would be correct, I prefer the use of no pronoun. Luckily the English language allows the replacement of pronouns with my name.
Instead of: “How is he/she doing?”
you can use:”How is Haru doing?”.

I’m attracted to… Everything feminine. From feminine men over transgender and gender fluid to cis women.

When people talk about me, I want them to… not talk about me. I am very self conscious and always expect them to talk bad about me.

I want people to understand… that, despite me being gender fluid and having problems expressing and reading emotions I am person who can be loved.

About Haru
About me.
I am 28 years old and am currently finishing my master degree.
I come from a traditional home: man is man and man loves a woman.
I started to embrace my female side 3 years ago when I moved away from my family. Even before I was always a weird person, which man does know how to sew and knows which colors work with each other. Now I can be who ever I want to be.

» Define yourself. «

Posted by on September 11th, 2016 at 08:00 am

Category: profiles Comment »

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