Question: Testosterone

E. asks…

As an AFAB who wants to appear androgynous, I am considering taking testosterone one day. But some things about it just seem pretty risky to me…

Can I possibly get some views on it, or some personal experiences?

Thank you!

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Posted by on February 15th, 2016 at 08:00 am

Category: questions One comment »

One Response to “Question: Testosterone”

  1. anta

    It’s always hard to say anything about hormones because all bodies react differently to them.

    I identified as a man at one point and took testosterone for about a year and a half. That’s four years in the past now, and I currently identify as androgynous.

    I wouldn’t consider taking testosterone again, because I disliked some effects it had (like beard growth), but now that most of that has reversed, I’m quite glad with the remaining ones. I never liked my “girly” voice, and the one I have after testosterone is less “girly” but not really “manly” either.

    I guess it would be good for you to think about the specific things you’d like to get from testosterone. You can get some of the results also without testosterone (e.g. get rid of periods).


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