Profile: Pythos


You can call me… Pythos

I identify as… Straight guy wanting fashion freedom.

As far as third-person pronouns go, … he, him, but don’t get pushed out of shape if called she, or ma’am. But would prefer that we could get away from gender-based titles like he and her and so on.

I’m attracted to… Women that have open minds, that are not stuck in the social rut dug for them by generations of women that followed the status quo like sheep.

When people talk about me, I want them to… Recognize my style as something innovative. Realize that when they limit me, they limit themselves as well. Understand that I have cracked the social norms of what genders should wear.

I want people to understand… Despite my clothing choices, I am not a hazard to society. I do not represent the fall of our culture. I am in reality doing what the founding fathers proclaimed to want this country’s people to do: be free to express themselves.


About Pythos
Bay Area-born, pseudo goth (one that has been limited by over-protective parents). Am a pilot, and love flying. Have always felt gender based limits imposed on people to be stupid. Never understood why girls could not play baseball with us guys. Nor understood why girls could have short hair and wear pants, but I could not wear skirts and have long hair. Love tight and sleek styles. Find societies limits on style to be suffocating. I like critters such as fancy rats and chinchillas, and would love to get a ferret.

» Define yourself. «

Posted by on June 2nd, 2009 at 04:00 pm

Category: profiles 7 comments »

7 Responses to “Profile: Pythos”

  1. Eli

    I would like to express an emphatic "ouch!" at saying that women [generally] are "stuck in the social rut dug for them by generations of women that followed the status quo like sheep". Not all women followed along blindly with whatever society told them they "needed" to do; instead, many times they were forced to comply with social norms through patent and latent punishments doled out for breaking The Rules.

    I think I can see where you may be coming from in your statement, Pythos, but still find it unfair to expect a coordinated social rebellion from oppressed persons who are structurally kept out of meaningful contact with each other.


  2. re_Silvera

    Personally, I find the comment on women deeply offensive and sexist. It's both condescending AND historically inaccurate. By simplifying the entire history of women in such a way, you're doing a massive disservice to it while being very patronising.


  3. sarahdopp

    *waves the white flag*

    Thanks guys — point heard and taken. We maybe should have edited out that line.

    I'm torn, though (since my options now are: leave it up or take it down). In defense of leaving it be, Pythos didn't actually say all women have this history, or even that *most* women have that history. He's saying some do — some women are handed role models who tell them "I got through life by not rocking the boat. It's easier and safer that way." And he's saying he's less attracted to the ones who follow that lead.

    As shitty as the point may be, it's probably not untrue, and he is presenting as an ally in the struggle to get past it. This is the perspective he has, and he's voicing it. Maybe instead we can cut him some slack on his word choice, and educate him a little in the process? People go out on a limb when they create profiles here, and I cringe when I see criticism without expressed appreciation for someone's presence.

    But I like having you here. So please stick around. :)



  4. Eli

    I'm all for leaving the comment up, Sarah. I just wanted to point out the fact that I bristled when I encountered Pythos's language, and the reasoning behind the bristling. It was in no way meant as a plea for editing or any such thing.

    Pythos, I'd like to apologize. I'm sorry if my response came back as aggressive or accusatory. I did not mean for it to sound that way if it did.

    …and on a totally unrelated note [that I meant to mention in my first comment, but forgot], I love that you address the inequities in wardrobe options between the biological/medically-assigned genders.


    Pythos replied:

    I see as usual that people are taking what I say as an attack.

    Let me explain my views.

    I live with a mother that was brought up in the 50s. She has instilled in me a fear of what other people think. In my experience I have found many women that have indeed given in to continuing the gender stereotypes. They want their men to be men. (what ever the hell that means). I am not saying all women are like this, but many I have met have been. They see me in what I wear and look at me with derision. Yet, they date guys that later on turn out to be nothing less than scum, or worse.

    I am one that thinks gender separation is stupid and out dated. A "Celebrity" I find myself close to being like is Mana-sama (if you know who that is), aside from my not being a hell of a musician, I see similarities with how we like to express ourselves.

    I walk a fine line though every time I decide to wear something that most males wouldn't dare wear. I risk losing my job, and reputation (aviation can be really sexist when it comes to males). Or at least that is what I fear. This is the fear set into me by my mother.

    I find it interesting how the respondents focused on my honest statement, and nothing about my views on gender and the limitations we as a society place on it. Sarahdopp's reply is what gave me the gumption to even respond (A true sign of support). You other people,completely misunderstood me, and skewered me. I nearly just gave up on this site. The lack of confirmation kinda gave me doubts as well.

    You may not believe this but.
    "many times they were forced to comply with social norms through patent and latent punishments doled out for breaking The Rules. "

    This quote now applies to men wanting to express themselves in a way that is anything other than fully male.


  5. Eli


    I am sorry for posturing myself in an aggressive way in my first comment. I definitely did not mean for it to be an attack; I intended it as a commentary. Obviously, I mis-communicated, and my intention was misconstrued. I bristled, and I tried to communicate that bristling in a relatively relaxed way. You're right, though; I misunderstood you, and this misunderstanding contributed to my bristling. Thank you [emphatically!] for clarifying your position, which now makes a lot more sense to me.

    I also agree with you, that there are a very hard-and-fast set of The Rules that apply to men expressing masculinity in "acceptable" ways in our society [I'd expect even moreso in aviation]. It is extremely frustrating to witness peoples' self-expressions either be quashed by external forces or put on hold by internal choices [potentially reactions to external forces]. Your linking oppressions is not lost on me.


  6. pythos

    Thank you for your kind response.

    I am well familiar with bristling and spouting off. I was a master at it (still am a padawan when it comes to it now).


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