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Profile: Dalice Malice

You can call me… Dalice Malice

I identify as… the butchest femme you’ve ever met. & a metonym. & a Transgrrrl. & a post-anarcho-pop-punk-alt-ctrl-cuntry rockstar. & graduate student. & paci/fist. & glitterqueer. & & & an ampersand & an ellipsis…

As far as third-person pronouns go, … I like grrrly pronouns…

I’m attracted to… Well dressed butches (of all gendered flavors)
Dirty, 90s indie dykes with docs and ani on cassette.
late bloomers.
Curly hair in all the wrong places.

When people talk about me, I want them to… get me off… my ego likes dirty talk.

I want people to understand… that gender exists only in the bedroom and it’s a bottom… so I’m in control, and only I know the safeword.

About Dalice Malice
I’m Dalice Malice
A Trans-grrrl semi-professional folk singer/rockstar
& current graduate student in Women’s and Gender Studies.

» Define yourself. «

Posted by on April 2nd, 2011 at 04:00 pm

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Profile: Ash

You can call me… Ash

I identify as… A flamey pansexual agnostic pro-Palestine Jewish genderqueer FtM-transitioning boything.

As far as third-person pronouns go, … Ze and hir for people who get it; he and him for people who don’t.

I’m attracted to… Grace, intelligence, honesty, compassion, an appreciation for the unusual, a taste for adventure, wordplay, cooking skills, gendered self-awareness, queerity.

When people talk about me, I want them to… …stick up for the reality and reasonableness of who I am.

I want people to understand… …that my life is complicated, but also pretty great, and that I’d rather have their support and celebration than their pity. That my identity isn’t a commentary–pro or con–on theirs.

About Ash
Ash is an artist and craftsperson, living and trying to make a living in the middle of the country. Ze digs ink, paper, and fiber, and could cheerfully work a nine-to-five job that involved sorting, filing, and organizing all three of those things, then dumping them all out and starting over. Most days, Ash is either drawing, printing, book-binding, doll-making, spinning, or knitting; the other days, ze’s probably mucking about in the kitchen.

Ash is also the president emeritus of the best, bad-assest queer group, and a recent MFA graduate in printmaking, which appears to overqualify hir for all available jobs and adequately qualify hir for none, but ze’s pretty excited about it, anyway.

» Define yourself. «

Posted by on March 29th, 2011 at 08:00 am

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Profile: Izzy

You can call me… izzy

I identify as… a post-operative transexual who is proud of who she was, is and is going to be

a friend once described me as “a girl with a gay-male up bringing” which i think in some ways is quite true

As far as third-person pronouns go, … please use the female pronouns for me thanks

I’m attracted to… masculinity (although not the beer swilling football watching kind :P) and personality, but if you’re tall strong and covered in tattoos and piercings then its a bonus :P

When people talk about me, I want them to… be supportive, be proud, not treat me like a sex object, not expect me to hide, and not rather i was still the person that was wrong for me

I want people to understand… thats i’m a good nice honest loving human being

About izzy
i was born male, but in may 2009 i had a little operation to correct that
thinking of myself as a guy is a totally foreign thing to me, my brain just can’t seem to understand that, although it doesn’t think that i’m a real girl either,
as far as i’m concerned i’ve always been me, even if my body, appearance, and way i act have changed over the years.
i’m me, while i want to be accepted for the “girl” that i am, i also don’t see why i can’t shave the side of my head if i want to or fight boystrously with my dogs, i’m not going out of my way to try and be a girl, i’m going out of my way to be me
i love my friends, i’m kind, helpful, loving and shy, i like to have fun, dance and laugh, i don’t drink, eat animal products or do drugs
i’m interested in art, fashion, and human behaviour
i’m a student, i’m a bit geeky, and i take forever to get ready in the morning :P and i like to keep fit
(and incase you haven’t noticed… i’m a mass of contradictions as well :P)

» Define yourself. «

Posted by on March 27th, 2011 at 08:00 am

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Profile: Oleander/Zeek

You can call me… Oleander, or Zeek. Whichever you prefer since neither is my real name.

I identify as… A physically female, backwards-gendered, paradoxical human being. In layman’s terms, my soul has no gender, and I have no real desire to surgically alter my body to fit that idea.

As far as third-person pronouns go, … Don’t care. “she” sounds demeaning, “he” is anatomically incorrect, and “ze” is very unspecific. Whatever you please.^^

I’m attracted to… Cute girls! I’m not as much into the sexy as the cute. I like the curves. mm-hmm.
I like intelligence, caretaking skills, understanding, and humanity. And a good cook doesn’t hurt anyone, no?~

When people talk about me, I want them to… listen to what I’m trying to say instead of letting their own opinions cloud their view. I want them to be human when they talk to me. To trust me, at least temporarily.

I want people to understand… That I love them. All of them. No matter what.

About Oleander/Zeek
Born & grown in cali. As a youngster had no normal relations with anyone but my family, and am just now learning actual social skills. pretty cool, actually…all this “friendship” stuff is pretty heartwarming. I still get intense bouts of depression, though, and nights scare me sometimes because I don’t know if I want myself to wake up.
…all emo-sauce aside, I think this world is pretty rad.
I like drawing, chewing on plastic objects, my friends, happy things, not lying to myself, and LOLcats. Also, a wide range of music: Everything from Owl City to Marilyn Manson.
I only realized a year ago that I was just a tad queer. No, I knew beforehand, just didn’t admit it. W00t for freedom of thought, huh, guys?

» Define yourself. «

Posted by on March 24th, 2011 at 04:00 pm

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Profile: Cat

You can call me… Cat

I identify as… a bio-fem gender-fluid androgyne/girl. I definitely feel as if I’m non-binary, but not completely neutral—I don’t call myself genderqueer because as someone who still identifies as female half the time that would feel like appropriation. “Female” is not necessarily an incorrect description of me when it comes to gender, but certainly an incomplete one. In other words, people might say to me, “Well, you’re just a straight girl,” and I’d reply, “Well, yes…some of the time. Other times I feel like no gender at all.” In fact, I’ve intuitively known ever since I was little that there’s a part of me that isn’t quite binary—only when I was five years old, that part of me was a rabbit! (As shown by the name I go by here, even though it’s a variant of my real name, there’s still more than a touch of the furry in me, ha.) As I normally oscillate, unpredictably, between feminine and androgynous identities, I don’t really have a masculine side per se, but I do quite like the idea of being a recreational drag king at some point, especially if it involves Victorian period clothing!

As far as third-person pronouns go, … Well, I’ve been called she/her all my life, and as I still am half feminine I don’t object to that, but ze/hir is fine too—then again, I think in theory everyone, not just non-binary folk, ought to be comfortable with ze/hir in order for it to be truly gender-neutral. As for he/him, I’d only like to be called that once I unleash my drag king alter ego, Charlie Ross, on the world—and I promise pictures of both me and my boyfriend in drag when that comes to pass!

I’m attracted to… My boyfriend. <3 Sexually I’m almost exclusively attracted to androgynous/femme guys and always have been (which means over the years I’ve had numerous unrequited crushes on gay males! D:) so I feel lucky that my partner is into gender fluidity as well. But I consider myself pan-aesthetic, which means I can find anyone beautiful—and since sexuality as well as gender can change for whatever reasons throughout life, I try not to pin myself down to anything. Other than that, on a purely platonic level, anyone who can carry on an eloquent, knowledgeable, humorous and animated conversation is like catnip (heh heh) to me. Also, fellow autistics—I’m an Aspie—have a particular capacity to click with me, as we function on a similar wavelength.

When people talk about me, I want them to… see the shades of gray in things. Yeah, this sounds a little weird coming from someone whose mental wiring defaults to literalism and black/white dichotomies (which I’m trying to break out of without compromising my mental makeup!) but humanity is just so diverse—in not just gender/sexuality, in pretty much every category imaginable—that nobody can be pigeonholed into one particular group.

I want people to understand… that androgyny is not necessarily eschewing all gendered conventions—it’s questioning them and subverting them. I want to confound people. Sure, right now I have a pixie cut and mostly neutral clothing, but at times I fantasize about growing my hair really long, fixing it into an elaborate updo and swanning about in an outrageously colored dress; donning a cravat and top hat, affixing fake facial hair and making my debut as a 19th-century gentleman; or just splitting the difference between the two extremes and dressing up like Adam Ant. If I had magic powers my ultimate dream would be to be a shape-shifter who could take on any body or appearance at will, but since that’s sadly biologically impossible I’ll do the next best thing and just treat gender as a toy rather than anything really Important and Serious.

About Cat
Cat is a 19 (soon to be 20)-year-old student originally from Illinois but who attends university in New York state. Besides being rebellious against gender norms and autistic, Cat is a massive linguistics nerd, a blogger (h[e/i]r writings can be found at, a music obsessive, a twee kid, a dreamer, a debater, a Francophone, and many other things Cat doesn’t even know (sh/z)e doesn’t even know about yet.

» Define yourself. «

Posted by on March 20th, 2011 at 04:00 pm

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Profile: J

You can call me… J. My friends call me both Jenny and Jimmy.

I identify as… adorkable. I am an androgynous person with killer curves, unisex fashion, and awesome hair. Blessed with a female body and masculine traits, so I try to flaunt beautiful, powerful androgyny.

As far as third-person pronouns go, … I am a girl, so I appreciate she/her, but I enjoy the occasional he/him. I like to keep them confused. <3 It always makes me grin when someone accidentally says “sir.” And I love the wide-eyed looks I get when I speak.

I’m attracted to… androgyny. I love harmonized masculine and feminine looks. I like someone who is willing to push the limits of gender. Girls that make me feel studly and guys that make me feel pretty. Sensitive, beautiful-minded, artistic humans are best. I love people who make me fall in love with who they are, not what they are. Sexually, I do not care for either gender as I am a happily celibate asexual person.

When people talk about me, I want them to… laugh in a completely good-natured, “I’m that person’s friend” kind of way. I love to make people smile. I dislike the labeling and misconceptions that accompany gossip, so I’m not so fond of people discussing my sexual preferences, religion, or diet. (Which are completely silly and uninteresting topics at any rate.)

I want people to understand… that people are people. No matter who you are, what you love, how you dress, what you believe, you are a wonderfully beautiful human with feelings, dreams, and purpose. People should be willing to look past things like appearance so that they can embrace the person within. Along with that, I also think people should view appearance as the special sort of self-expression it is, rather than as fashion or sex-appeal.

About J
I am a young college student studying art and film. I enjoy theatre, music, and writing. One day I hope to be actively working in the film industry. I am a vegetarian, fond of animals and the outdoors, and I love cooking. I am also a believer in Christ and the purpose of humanity. I am a respecter opinions, views, and the right to live life. <3

» Define yourself. «

Posted by on March 15th, 2011 at 08:00 am

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Profile: Squeak

You can call me… Squeak. I really need a better nickname.

I identify as… A human. I’m still trying to work out the specifics but right now I’d probs say I am queer, aromantic (not to be confused with aromatic, although I could probably do with a shower), mixed-race, fat and okay with it, and gently, excitably butch. I am biologically female and would like to be less so.

As far as third-person pronouns go, … Generally speaking, I prefer male ones, but I’m okay with others as long as you refer to them as “bronouns”.

I’m attracted to… People who don’t smell weird. People I like. People I can trust not to find me repulsive.

I don’t do romantic attraction, but I do like kissing people.

When people talk about me, I want them to… Mention how rad I am. (I’m pretty rad.)

I want people to understand… That they take me by the heart when they take me by the hand. No, sorry, that is a total lie. What I would really like more people to understand is that their rights end where other people’s begin? That would be a nice start, I think.

About Squeak
I’m that guy who says he’s writing a novel whenever anyone asks him what he’s doing with his life. My hobbies include staring, gurning, and tying things to my head.

» Define yourself. «

Posted by on March 14th, 2011 at 08:00 am

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Profile: Raine

You can call me… I haven’t got a good androgynous name yet. ‘Raine’ is fine for now.

I identify as… Psychologically androgynous, skewed more towards the male than the female. I am far more comfortable as a girly boy than a girl. I usually use the term ‘genderqueer’ because not even androgynous sums it all up.

As far as third-person pronouns go, … I’d love to be referred to as ‘he’ or ‘him’, but I won’t make you use that.

I’m attracted to… Girlish boys and boyish girls. Transmen and transwomen. However you cross or straddle the supposed line between genders, I love it. Intelligence and kindness. Big dark eyes. People I can feel like I’m on the same page with.

When people talk about me, I want them to… Not look at my clothes. They’re my jeans, not his or her jeans. I want them to talk about me as a person, not as a curiosity.

I want people to understand… That all the boxes and stereotypes you hear and see on tv or in magazines is all made up. That I won’t be offended if you can’t figure out if I’m male or female—actually, it’d make my day. That my baggy jeans and bound chest aren’t a cry for attention, but an attempt to be honest with myself.

About Raine
I’m a 19-year-old college student majoring in Animation. I have an intense imagination, I daydream a lot, I love the smell of leather and I am addicted to caffeine. I hate math; I love art, writing, history, and world cultures. As much as I love Florida, and the people I’ve made friends with at school, I still wish I had friends like me. Every now and then I need to be reminded that I’m not wrong.

» Define yourself. «

Posted by on March 12th, 2011 at 08:00 am

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Profile: Comrade Jasper

You can call me… Comrade Jasper. Or Jester, if you know me from deviantART (YeOld-Jester).

I identify as… an asexual, mostly aromantic, neutrois, sometimes stone butch, anachronistic, atheistic, sometimes communistic/socialistic, artist/writer willing to fight for zirself and zir rights if need be. I much prefer intellectual debate to mindless fisticuffs, though.

As far as third-person pronouns go, … I like the neutral ones, zie and zir and all that, but I won’t get too picky. I would prefer you avoid the female ones, though.

I’m attracted to… androgyny and intelligence and the counter-culture. But I’m more interested in having friends than lovers.

When people talk about me, I want them to… do so to my face, so I can agree with or refute their claims.

I want people to understand… that I won’t hate people for their mistakes, so long as they learn from them and become better people. If you’re stupid and happy to be an ignorant cuss, then keep away. But if you’re willing to learn, I am willing to teach.

About Comrade Jasper
Hi. I like scary/weird things, Victorian things, gay things, and genderbending things. I tend to blurt out songs and movie quotes for reasons that make sense to me, but not to everyone else. Also, I have a tendency to imitate voices and accents I hear, just because I like to.

» Define yourself. «

Posted by on March 10th, 2011 at 08:00 am

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Profile: Tyler

You can call me… Tyler or Ty

I identify as… androgynous/genderqueer.

As far as third-person pronouns go, … i’m not greatly bothered, i’m just used to female ones though.

I’m attracted to… a genuine personality and a caring nature. I’m only attracted to women, mainly the androgynous ones. But i keep an open mind.

When people talk about me, I want them to… be more considerate towards my feelings as i am just as human as they are. I’m not an object to discuss and probe, i am a person who feels and cares.

I want people to understand… that i’m not out to confuse them, i’m not a freak and i’m not below them. I’m just being me and there are so many differences in so many people, they need to be open to that. I don’t expect people to understand exactly how i feel about my gender or self, but if i can be open and make an effort for them, then they can do that for me.

About Tyler
I’m 19, lucky enough to already have an androgynous name, i’m not sure what i want to do for a career, i don’t know where i am going to end up. I don’t know who i am sometimes because my feelings and personality are constantly evolving. I know i want to enjoy life, i know i love my girlfriend, i know my family will always be there for me even with the knowledge of my sexuality. I’m proud of who i am, i’m proud to be a blood donor, on the bone marrow donors list and open to helping others in whatever way i can. I’m proud of my gender and sexuality.

» Define yourself. «

Posted by on March 8th, 2011 at 08:00 am

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Profile: Logan

You can call me… Logan

I identify as… Genderqueer, Androgynous, Boi, Gender-Fluid, Masculine-Feminine Switch, Passionate, Ambiguous, Gender Ninja, Transgender, Two-Spirit, Polysexual, Dyke, Soft Butch, Queer, Gay, Gender-Bending, Gender-Awesome..

As far as third-person pronouns go, … I prefer gender neutral pronouns. I have no steadfast pronoun rules, I go with whatever feels right at the time. ‘Ze’ is always warm and fuzzy to hear. Second to that, male pronouns are wonderful, especially masculine terms such as ‘gentleman’ or ‘mister’. Anything but ‘ma’am’ or ‘lady’. I can handle female pronouns, preferably when accompanied with my chosen name. In general, I believe the world could live without the importance of pronouns. No single word could possibly encompass an entire being, and while I appreciate the respect garnered through pronouns, nothing could compare to the sound of my chosen name.

I’m attracted to… Individuals with compassion, acceptance, intellect, optimism, and maturity. Fluidity. Label-wise, I generally find myself attracted to individuals who identify as female and trans men. Physically, I have a weakness for tattoos, piercings, and interesting hair. I look to the heart of a person, not the anatomy. I am attracted to individuals who focus on my sparkling personality over all else. I enjoy and appreciate both masculinity and femininity and desire the complete acceptance of my identity as both male and female. I am attracted to courage, strength, equality, and honesty. Individuals who are able to see past the surface of virtually anything, and view overwhelming beauty in the ordinary.

When people talk about me, I want them to… Realize that differences in gender do not define the worth of a person any more than differences in eye color. Look into my eyes. Focus on the person I am and the change I can bring to the world, neither of which are contingent upon my gender identity. Ask intuitive and insightful questions, allow me to educate and describe myself without assumption. Feel free to discuss my gender expression and identity, my very existence prompts this, and I would be delighted to open another individual’s mind to the world beyond the binary. Treat me with the respect that all beings deserve. Realize that while I am more than gender, I adore exploring and discussing my identity. Remember my identity as Genderqueer allows me the freedom to exist as I please, and my existence is to be respected.

I want people to understand… I am a person deserving of acceptance in every aspect of my identity, free from judgment. That I feel comfortable within my identity regardless of any changes in my appearance that may negate such an identity. I view my daily gender expression through clothing and posture as a form of drag, and I adore every minute of it. Gender expression and identity is about far more than outward expression, and I relish in the days where I can feel masculine while dressed feminine, and the reverse. The ability to express myself and be viewed as masculine allows me to comfortably explore areas of my being that are feminine. I posses insecurities over whether or not I fail to appear as masculine and androgynous as I am, so to have my identity accepted without question can be a luxury. That I take absolutely no offence to questions or confusion, as long as this is handled with respect and a genuine willingness to learn. I would like people to understand that they do not have to understand me, I only wish for them to accept and love me for the person that I am, all-encompassing, down to the minute expressions of my identity. My gender expression is not an act of rebellion, it is an act of showing the unique individual that I am. Gender is not the whole of who I am as a secular being, yet it is a major aspect that influences my daily life, and I adore expressing and speaking of this. That no individual has the right to label, characterize, or judge any individual’s identity. It is an insult of magnanimous proportions to assume the responsibility or dictating another’s identity.

About Logan
I believe that ambiguity and living outside the binary are two things that are both terrifying and wonderful, places I truly feel at home. I believe in rising out of turmoil and hardship in order to grow stronger and live again, which I try to exhibit through my being and is the reason I have a tattoo of a Phoenix, rising from the ashes. I believe that life is meant to be lived and experienced, not simply witnessed. I believe that the banal aspects of life are the most beautiful, and in finding the beauty in that which others pass unnoticed. I am grateful for every hardship and difficulty I have experienced, for they are what has made me strong. I am an eternal optimist, and proud as hell to be myself and portray differences, as it took me ages to get to that point. I believe in living openly and courageously, without regret. I believe that courage is not the absence of fear, but the judgment that something else is more important than fear. I believe in love and laughter, even in the bleakest moments where such thoughts seem ridiculous. On a lighthearted note, I also believe that chocolate is the cure for all evil.

» Define yourself. «

Posted by on March 1st, 2011 at 08:00 am

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Profile: Bren

You can call me… Bren, Brent, B

I identify as… Hmm.. a vaguely butch vaguely femme male-bodied anarcho-queerion.

As far as third-person pronouns go, … I don’t care. She or he, but I don’t really like gender neutral pronouns for myself personally. Either at any time.

I’m attracted to… Cute nerds, of all types. Smart people in general. Also, tattoos mmm…

When people talk about me, I want them to… Cream their pants.

I want people to understand… I’m jus’ bein’ me. I don’t share similar ideas with a lot of people, but I don’t discount anyone’s beliefs.

About Bren
I’m lame but if you wanna forrow me on tumblr it’s

» Define yourself. «

Posted by on February 25th, 2011 at 08:00 am

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Profile: Henry

You can call me… Henry

I identify as… A pansexual, polyamorous, semi-asexual, partly androgynous, pacifist, wiccan.

As far as third-person pronouns go, … Anything. I am physically male… but neither male nor female in sense.

I’m attracted to… Intellect. Emotion. Naturalism. Happiness. Absent sense of boredom (as in, never bored, no matter what). Ability to have fun watching trees sway in the wind.

When people talk about me, I want them to… Be kind, respectful, and understanding.

I want people to understand… I do not care about sex. I worry about you, stranger. I love everyone.

About Henry
Philosophy, economics, theology, life, death, epistemology, logic, beauty, nature, reason, romanticism, wicca, buddhism, LGBT culture, my band, music, writing, loving, caring, worrying, meditation, depersonalization, existentialism, you, me, love, trees, snow, rain… and every little tiny thing in between.

» Define yourself. «

Posted by on February 19th, 2011 at 08:00 am

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Profile: Jamie

You can call me… Jamie.

I identify as… a weird, queer, femme transboy.

As far as third-person pronouns go, … only the male ones work with me.

I’m attracted to… scrawny nerdy boys with glasses.

When people talk about me, I want them to… resist hypothesizing. I’ll answer your questions, guys. No problem.

I want people to understand… that gender isn’t a box, not even a line. It’s a friggin’ huge universe of unique and colorful nebulae, and no matter how similar they look from here, no two stars are alike.

About Jamie
I’m a shorty with an affinity for sarcasm and cynical literature. I’m big into Star Trek (TOS only though!) and romance, and some days I am possessed by an artistic demon. My baby girl is Lucy, a little white Lhasa Apso who spends her time licking things she’s not supposed to, like electrical outlets.

» Define yourself. «

Posted by on February 17th, 2011 at 08:00 am

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Profile: Wilson

You can call me… Wilson

I identify as… A weird little thing that lives in the back of your refrigerator. I’m a genderless being, though also what would happen if you shoved Gregory House, Lady Gaga, David Bowie and Willy Wonka into a the particularly cramped body of an anteater.

As far as third-person pronouns go, … ‘It’ is my favorite, however unconventional it might be. Otherwise, you can use whatever strikes your fancy, as long as it has nothing to do with my anatomical structure.

I’m attracted to… Human beings, ideas, mustaches, high cheekbones, vivisection, long eyelashes and hips.

When people talk about me, I want them to… I would find it rather flattering if people discussed the goopy gray substance that rests between my ears. If you find that impossible, you can talk about how I always leave my shoes untied.

I want people to understand… That your chromosomes and your psyche are as disconnected as the person who helped you hook up your television and the person who wrote your favorite book.

About Wilson
Wilson wants to be a writer, and to go to medical school. Its favorite pastimes are vignette writing and live multiplayer tetris.

» Define yourself. «

Posted by on February 14th, 2011 at 08:00 am

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Profile: Asher

You can call me… Asher

I identify as… A transsexual male androgyne, a dirty queer pervert, a punk faggot, and a very pretty boy.

As far as third-person pronouns go, … “He,” “him,” “his.” And “Sir.”

I’m attracted to… Nerve, toughness, resilience. I like survivors. I like people with morbid humor and a capacity for rage that equals mine, and a capacity for love and affection equal to mine as well. Lots of the people I am attracted to are men. Some of them are not. My lover of the past year (and hopefully of many future years) is infinitely more gender fucked than I.

When people talk about me, I want them to… Avoid doing so when not in my presence. Actually, avoid talking about me when in my presence too. I can speak for myself.

I want people to understand… that my gender is not about them.

About Asher
I am a film student. I also write a column for called Transgression.

» Define yourself. «

Posted by on February 13th, 2011 at 08:00 am

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Profile: Brandon

You can call me… brandon.

I identify as… a transgendered elf that enjoys prancing through glades of trees, playing owl city on his ukelele. in reality, a lonely girl whose parents are frightened of their lovely, “all-girl” daughter being their… son.

As far as third-person pronouns go, … i enjoy he and him very much. i rarely hear them on a regular basis, so why don’t you make my day?

I’m attracted to… someone who thinks like me, within and without me. i want someone who embraces the way my head has always worked, secretly and in silence. i also like artists, and people with brown eyes.

When people talk about me, I want them to… realize that i have ears, and i know i look like a dude. that’s the point!

I want people to understand… that what i’m trying to do with my body probably won’t be attractive to the majority. i might not look like a boy. i don’t have huge muscles, a deep voice, or meaty fingers. but i am one, deep down, and i want to be loved as one.

About Brandon
i’m 16 years old. i live in a conservative, close-knit town, where people rarely escape the cookie-cutter image. i play three instruments, i want to be a music teacher. i’m a nerd. and dream of one day being the father of many adopted asian babies.

» Define yourself. «

Posted by on February 12th, 2011 at 08:00 am

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Profile: Rhi

You can call me… Rhi(annon)

I identify as… a womyn who happens to like womyn who happen to like womyn who like womyn.

As far as third-person pronouns go, … I like anything alternative to the confinement of the norm, but I guess that’s how I feel about everything.

I’m attracted to… brains! (Not in a zombie way but that works too)

I’m definitely attracted to passion, laughter, and confidence. Cute smiles don’t hurt either.

As far as butch versus femme, cis versus trans, etc., I really haven’t taken note of any strong trends. It all depends on the person for me. I’m much more likely to fall in love with their brain before I even notice their body.

When people talk about me, I want them to… never ever make assumptions, whether they are correct or not.

I want people to understand… that sex and gender are very different and for both of these, the realm spans far beyond the captivity of the binary and simplicity of “[] MALE or [] FEMALE” and that it’s incredibly important to be aware and to be respectful.

About Rhi
Someday I’m going to write a book. And get a degree with the word “queer” in it. And I’m going to grow flowers from dirt and make things happen. That’s all.

» Define yourself. «

Posted by on February 10th, 2011 at 04:00 pm

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Profile: Ryan/Rachel

You can call me… Ryan. Or Rachel. I’ve never really been called Rachel, but fantasize about that sometimes.

I identify as… Anarchist, pacifist, feminist, genderqueer, vegan. I’m a mess. I love my penis very much, but I seethe inside when people call me a man (or dude or bro). I’m not a man, but not quite a woman either. Some days feel more androgynous than others. Some days are perfect for wearing a skirt, sometimes just pants will do. Proud to live in Tucson, ashamed to live in Arizona.

As far as third-person pronouns go, … Everyone I know uses “he/him,” which I don’t mind. Sometimes I sort of fantasize about being a “she/her” or “ze/hir” but it hasn’t happened before and probably won’t until I learn how to express myself correctly.

I’m attracted to… Masculine women, feminine women, genderqueer females, trans women, genderqueer males, drag queens. I love someone who has any artistic passion and can engage in a good discussion on radical politics. Someone assertive who loves themselves. Someone who is sexually autonomous but appreciates my sexual being.

When people talk about me, I want them to… realize that I’m just a human being… No better or worse than they are. And I may be androgynous, but I’m not asexual ;)

Every person should also realize that I love them all <3

I want people to understand… that I’m simply not a man. I hate that my body makes it awkward for some of my friends to hear me say “I love you.” Gender is not at all a genetic given, and perhaps we all lose a bit of our being when we pigeonhole ourselves in one category or the other.

About Ryan/Rachel
This world sucks. Let’s change it :)

» Define yourself. «

Posted by on February 10th, 2011 at 08:00 am

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Profile: Chelsea

You can call me… Chelsea

I identify as… a girl, or a young woman. At times I catch myself wishing I was a male, and the strange thing about this is that I would rather be a gay male rather than a straight one.

Most people would assume that I’m actually a straight girl who lusts over gay guys, as pop culture has so inclined us to believe. But in all truthfulness, I’m an asexual girl who would rather BECOME a gay boy. It seems like a dumb thing to say, after all, “don’t girls and gay boys like the same thing anyway- guys?”

I’ve only talked to a small number of people about this, (my very best friends), and they seem to understand, although they do sometimes question why. There is no definite answer.
It feels bittersweet to be able to release it here, without fear that I’ll be ostracized or ridiculed, or made to feel that these beliefs are wrong in some way.

As far as third-person pronouns go, … I go by “she.”
It seems simpler.
Besides, I have some growing up to do before I consider sexual reassignment surgery. I’m only sixteen, after all.

I’m attracted to… no one, although I know that if I was a gay guy I’d be the happiest young man alive. The thing is, the DYNAMIC between a gay couple is a lot different than the dynamic between a straight one. I want to have the former.

When people talk about me, I want them to… stop questioning why, if I’m so genderqueer, I look the way I do.

I want people to understand… that we are all different. Yes, it’s so cliche it’s original. People should just get used to it. :]

About Chelsea
I’m a sixteen year old junior in a high school in Lincoln, NE. Don’t be fooled, though. We have almost 2,000 students, and we are one of several high schools in the city. :] We are by no means small.
My life right now is school and family/friends. I am preparing for the ACT I will take in a few months, wading through my AP classes, and generally working my ass off. I’m glad my friends are supportive of me being genderfluid, and don’t question it as much as others do.

On a side note, you all may be glad to know that young Nebraska is very liberal and enlightened. :] Only our parents are stuffy Republicans. In fact, our school’s Switch Rally was just a few days ago, and this is the biggest pep rally of the year, the one where the girls and the guys switch roles- even clothing syles. Also, we had this little game where one couple from each section, (the freshmen, sophomores, juniors, and seniors), came down to the floor and answer questions about each other. Three of the couples were female/male, but a couple from the freshman section were male/male, and they weren’t joking around. :] They even won the game, as they were able to answer all of the questions right about each other.

Yes, Lincoln is very queer. And to think! Everyone believes that we’re staunch conservatives. ;D

» Define yourself. «

Posted by on February 4th, 2011 at 08:00 am

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