Profile: Billie

You can call me… Billie

I identify as… as completely gender-neutral as a person can be.

As far as third-person pronouns go, … whatever is fine I suppose when talking about me, but I prefer “ze” and “hir” in print.

I’m attracted to… females of any gender identification, and sometimes some guys whose personalities are so amazing and gentle and sweet that it’s impossible to not love them. But I can’t imagine ever doing anything with them. And dreadlocks and afros.

When people talk about me, I want them to… talk nicely. Realize that my non-gender is the least threatening facet of my personality. And that I do in fact have a personality beyond my looks.

I want people to understand… that just because I’m gender-neutral, doesn’t mean I’m against gender. It doesn’t mean you have to call me one thing or another. It doesn’t mean that I’m a one-issue horse. It’s just a part of me I can’t deny.


About Billie
Billie is talking about hirself in the third person now. Ze is a vegan and cares about animals and animal rights. Ze is a complete anarchist. Ze fell in love with a girl too early in hir life, and is now just living life day to day. Ze is learning how to cook, and is doing a kick-ass job at it. Oh and ze is going to school to study international agriculture. Ain’t ze diverse?!

» Define yourself. «

Posted by on October 14th, 2009 at 04:00 pm

Category: profiles One comment »

One Response to “Profile: Billie”

  1. Anonymous

    I love billie.


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