Profile: d

You can call me… d

I identify as… a non-transitioning feminine person with XY chromosomes. This fluctuates a little, except for the chromosomes.

As far as third-person pronouns go, … I look like a him, so that gender works for others, but I don’t care. I use “they” if I have to talk about myself in third person.

I’m attracted to… Any type of gender-subversives or androgynous folk. Also: a dark sense of humor. Or even just a sense of humor.

When people talk about me, I want them to… be a little less serious. And to tell me if I missed a spot shaving.

I want people to understand… that even if people look like their birth genders, they can still have something different on the inside.


About d
Midwestern small-city citizen. Parent of 2. Partner of an androgynous bio-woman. Writer of poems, stories, and songs. Voter of an independent sort.

» Define yourself. «

Posted by on August 7th, 2009 at 04:00 pm

Category: profiles One comment »

One Response to “Profile: d”

  1. martcibe

    I love that last 'I want people to understand line' It's so obviously simple but so difficult for many totally cisgendered people to get their heads round.


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