Profile: Ren


You can call me… Ren

I identify as… an androgynous bigendered pansexual/asexual queermo. In other words, I’m a feminine male androgyne who happens to have the wrong junk. Like someone else said, they’ll have a surgery for it eventually.

As far as third-person pronouns go, … Most people take it upon themselves to use “she” and its family, and I can’t say I blame them, what with my huge rack. I do love the “hir” family, but when it comes down to “he” or “she” the former’ll win any day.

I’m attracted to… Lovely, intelligent androgynous-minded/open-minded beings.

When people talk about me, I want them to… become thoughtful and feel a fondness that has nothing to do with their perception of my gender.

I want people to understand… that I’m not antisocial because I dislike interaction with other people, its just that so many people make me uncomfortable about my own ideas regarding gender, I’d rather not bother. This doesn’t mean I’m callous! I’m just tired.


About Ren
Ren is a weird sort who obsesses over the color purple and the thought of being a Prince. Living life for his daughter is the name of the game. The world revolves around that child now.

» Define yourself. «

Posted by on June 30th, 2009 at 04:00 pm

Category: profiles 2 comments »

2 Responses to “Profile: Ren”

  1. AgentRusco

    yeah purple!


  2. Sylvie

    I like the way you express things :) You sound really awesome


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