Profile: Jenni


You can call me… Jenni

I identify as… genderqueer/fluid, whatever I feel like that day, tending towards the asexual more and more often these days, but well – human?

As far as third-person pronouns go, … If I’m wearing make-up, I’ll usually get female. Otherwise, it can be anything, and I don’t really care either way.

I’m attracted to… skinny pretty boys (girls who fit on this borderline are quite nice too, I have to say!), scientists, philosophers, androgyny, people with dark humour, people who understand the fun of playing with gender, geeks.

When people talk about me, I want them to… ask me questions rather than try to work it out for themselves. Understand that even though I think I’m asexual, I still like physical contact in terms of hugs and kisses, because it makes me feel loved. Realise that I’m quite a nice person, honest?

I want people to understand… realise that gender isn’t binary, and that just because I’m wearing a pretty dress and big make-up doesn’t mean that tomorrow I won’t look like a boy. I want them to love this rather than find it a bit weird.

About Jenni
I’m a PhilThe student (Philosophy and Theology, but don’t you love the abbreviation?) with a love of making chainmail, doing arty makeup, acting, writing and webcomics. Oh, and I’m a massive geek.

» Define yourself. «

Posted by on May 19th, 2010 at 04:00 pm

Category: profiles 15 comments »

15 Responses to “Profile: Jenni”

  1. Quince

    You are gorgeous.


  2. Keanan

    Making chain mail? Awesome.


  3. RBG.

    you’re adorable, love your hair.

    Also, spelling “realize’ with an “s” is awesome


  4. Rebekah

    Asexual geeks FTW!


  5. Louche

    Love this profile. Especially since I feel so asexual lately… good to come across similar people!


  6. Anonymous

    your profile makes me awww :)


  7. Jessica

    I think I like your sense of humor best. You’d be fun to be with. And I wish I had your eyebrows.


  8. Tamworth

    damn I WANT YOUR HAIR :O


  9. Michelle

    I am beginning to question my sexuality but am not in a pace in my life where i feel comphortable doing so. However, your post gave me alot of comfort. Never before have i heard the term asexual to describe a person. I did some googling and it was like a weight lifted off my shoulders.


  10. Jessica

    @Michelle – Hooray! I wish I could ever do that – on purpose… It does feel that way sometimes, looking back. I spent 52 years inside out, trying to pound in screws with the same hammer… when you find suddenly, unexpectedly something that cuts to your core, it’s like the sun comes out… you’re not fixed, the world is still mighty fucked up, but hey, that sun sure feels nice.


  11. Jay

    So much truth in your ‘I Want People to Understand…’. <3


  12. jamessooy

    This makes me want to meet more people!


  13. Naomi This might be helpful. I just posted this link on my profile comments when someone asked what I meant by “semi-asexual”.


  14. Jessica

    Sometimes I am inadvertently sexual, in a gendered sense – but I am trying to work out beyond the whole presenting as a girl or a boy thing. Sometimes I bring people up kind of short because they do something at me,e expecting me to react as gender X and i react as gender Y. Usually people then get confused between gender orientation and sexual orientation and convict me of all kinds of things that are not true about me (again). Having now decided I am Y, they get confused again when I react X.

    Hey, it’s not my fault if I don’t fit in your box.


  15. Anonymous

    That photo is so cute i basically just squealed out loud.


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