Recommendation: Philippe Blon

closetta recommends…


Philippe Blon
A person

Philippe is gorgeous. Rather than having no gender, shim has the best attributes of both, and thus is attractive to all. Also shim seems to be having lots of fun, and be relaxed even if in the public eye.

Another reason for liking Phillippe is that shim has made shis gender ambiguity into both a positive business attribute, for a highly succesful fashion business – and made it sher USP, while avoiding any tackyness. It’s all done in the best possible taste. And my goodness, I envy Phillipe’s youth, beauty, and confidence!

» Recommend something. «

Posted by on April 22nd, 2010 at 08:00 am

Category: people, recommendations One comment »

One Response to “Recommendation: Philippe Blon”

  1. William

    Just asking, but are those Phillippe’s pronouns that Phillippe uses for Phillippeself? I looked Phillippe up and everything I can find suggests that Phillippe identifies as male and uses male pronouns.

    You might know Phillippe better and I apologise to you and Phillippe if I’m wrong but everything else I can find about Phillippe calls Phillippe “he” and I don’t want to mispronoun Phillippe.


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