Profile: —

You can call me… Anything, as long as it rhymes.

I identify as… An unidentified flying object. A first generation female in a long line of male lives. Asexually sensual. My father’s son.

As far as third-person pronouns go, … I find they sound a little sillier every time I say them out loud… & work best with a / between them.

I’m attracted to… Vaudevillian fashion, found art, piano soloists, marionettes, non-fiction authors, men who wear eyeliner & women in ascots.

When people talk about me, I want them to… Exaggerate.

I want people to understand… That I’m simply not content to live my life in a box. I get groggy when I can’t breathe… & very few things open my airwaves like reconnecting with the man that lives in me.

About “Anything, as long as it rhymes”
I’m in my late-twenties, currently living in Southern Ohio (much to my dismay). I attended art school in Elkhorn, NE – not too far from Omaha – & miss the midwest every time I breathe. I was diagnosed with housebound OCD last winter, which only bothers me when I miss out on costume parties & city-wide yard sales.

» Define yourself. «

Posted by on February 3rd, 2011 at 08:00 am

Category: profiles 6 comments »

6 Responses to “Profile: —”

  1. Jessica

    Taxonophobia – the sneaking suspicion that you have been put in the wrong box
    Taxonomorphobia – the fear that you will change out of your current classification.
    Dimorphichypermorphobia – the fear of constantly mutating from one form to another, defying classification.

    I so want to go garage sailing with you dressed in pirate attire (big brass buckles!)- we can each ride a bicycle bedecked with ribbons and pinwheels towing trailers for our swag.


  2. Clare

    Patti Smith springs to mind! Not a bad role model, n’est pas?!


  3. Sloane

    Heyyy fellow southern Ohio-er!


  4. Anonymous

    Just wondering but what did you use to write out “Typochondriac?” Also, you sound like an awesome person.


  5. Van

    extremely smart beautiful person you are


  6. math



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