Profile: Spectra

Pale-skinned person wearing black rectangle-framed glasses and a grey striped button-down, with their hair spiked into an exceptionally long blue mohawk. They are looking at the camera and smiling slightly.

You can call me… Spectra

I identify as… …a human? I’d rather not have to identify as anything. The closest I can think of would be a femme genderqueer punk, I suppose.

As far as third-person pronouns go, … It doesn’t really matter. I’m used to the male ones, but prefer the female.

I’m attracted to… Physically? Those of whichever gender or lack-there-of in possession of male genitalia. Mentally and Spiritual? I connect more to the feminine, but more attracted to the masculine (of whichever/lack-there-of gender.)

When people talk about me, I want them to… Realize that I’m a whole lot more than what’s on the exterior. I do have a multi-faceted personality, as do we all, and I would like for people to get to know a little of that before passing any judgement on me, or others.

I want people to understand… that I am, in fact, a hominid of the human variety, and nothing more. Everyone is so conditioned to believe this or that is the norm, and everything else is anomalous and wrong. It’s absurd. People are unique, period. Society as a whole would have us believe that certain pieces of diversity are deemed negative, and others acceptable, but in reality it’s all irrelevant.

About Spectra
I enjoy books, writing, anime, fashion designing, dying my hair, meditating, and creeping people out with my randomness. ^_^

» Define yourself. «

Posted by on July 12th, 2011 at 08:00 am

Category: profiles 3 comments »

3 Responses to “Profile: Spectra”

  1. Remarkable Prettybones

    I like you. ^_^


  2. Keanan

    That is one cool Mohawk.


  3. moh!

    ohmygoodness you are adorable.


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