
Submitted by Ludwig Volbeda, the illustrator.

Posted by on March 3rd, 2012 at 10:00 am

Category: faces 3 comments »

3 Responses to “Comic”

  1. Thomas

    What a great comic. Kudos to the artist :)


  2. shakes the german (are there more germans on here???)

    that makes me sad somehow…having no image…the incorrect blueprint….I sometimes feel like i dont`t really exist. Think of those movies like the Matrix…I feel like I am there, but not alive. I am living, but not as the real ME. And more and more I wonder, what if I am this insane projekt of someone else? What if I am inside some freakshow and the only person who does not know is me? What if there are all these normal people watching me, laughing at me, the little freak running in a cage that I cannot escape from? This running in circles has made me too sick to escape…”they stole my blueprint to entertain theirselves, watching me react” is crossing my confused mind.
    I don`t want to learn and fight to be proud of my incorrect blueprint, fuck transgressivenes….I want my blueprint to be acceptet as correct without having to fight or explain why it isn`t!!!! I did not ask for it to be incorrect!!!
    So…nice comic, thanks for “unmaking” my day. No, serious, I love to think about those things…I just think too much sometimes.


  3. Lane

    This is a really good illustration of dysphoria. I’m frustrated with so much of the commonly used language (“in the wrong body” etc) because its such an incomplete, oversimplified picture. This comic fits how I felt pre-transition so much better than any other representation I’ve come across. Thank you!


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