Question: Gender ambiguity and older adults

Karen asks…

I utterly belong to this community. I am in my 50’s and would like to meet androgynous, gender-ambiguous people of similar maturity (whose day-to-day experience is closer to mine than the 20-something year olds featured here who all seem quite wonderful–just very, well, young).
Where do I go?

Please post your response in the comments below.

» Ask Genderfork «

Posted by on July 25th, 2012 at 08:00 am

Category: questions 6 comments »

6 Responses to “Question: Gender ambiguity and older adults”

  1. Gom

    Hi! Depends on where you live I suppose. Here where I live in Seattle, we have the Center for Sex Positive Culture which has plenty of older folks attending its events. Perhaps there’s something similar in your area? If not, maybe you could start something, perhaps through a Meetup group or similar? I think there are tons of us in “real life” but the Internet is usually the province of a younger crowd.


  2. StarchildMagic

    I’ve found local resources for gender-variant people by doing a Google search for “(my city and state) gender” .

    If the Internet is more your thing, there are some wonderful people on the forums.

    I understand your wanting to find people of your own age group. I’m in my mid-30s, and you’re right, twenty-somethings are lovely people, they just don’t have the same life experience.

    Good luck!


  3. Brett Blatchley

    Hi! I’m fifty and my family and I live in Asheville, North Carolina, an unusually friendly place for folks such as we! (Yes, my profile pic is very recent.)


  4. happeningfish

    Please hang out more here too!!! I’m mid-30s, so also a young’un, but I would so love to have more mature voices here. I love the 20-odds, and they are undeniably beautiful (and luckier than they will EVER know to have something like this when they’re young), but I sometimes really need to have people as influencers who aren’t coming out of the hormone coma and have had a later crisis or two. :)

    And if any 20-somethings are upset by my glaring age-ism, I have boxing gloves. Come fight me in 10 years, you lovely people.


  5. Chris

    Come down to New Orleans and we can hang out!


  6. XauriEL

    If you live anywhere but a HUGE city, probably nowhere. Sorry to be a downer, but there it is.


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