Live and fight and love

Someone wrote…

“Born in the wrong body” is not my narrative. I was born in MY body, and every day I fight to love it. I was born in this beautiful trans, fat, ethnic, scarred, flawed body, and every change I make to it and every step I take in it are mine. They are not wrong. I am not wrong. I live and fight and love in this world in MY body.

What’s your experience?

And what are you thinking about gender right now?

Posted by on September 18th, 2012 at 08:00 am

Category: your voice 6 comments »

6 Responses to “Live and fight and love”

  1. radical/rebel

    this is beautiful. it reminds me of this quote:

    “I am not trapped by my body. I am trapped by your beliefs.”-Sass Rogando Sasot

    fuck yes to affirming our bodies, our lives, and our choices, rather than feeling forced to submit to a narrative that wants us to say we are “wrong”.

    keep fighting <3


    Anonymous replied:

    I unterstand your points and don`t want to offend anyone. But…I tried so hard to love my whole body but still there are some parts that shouldn`t bee there. I can`t help it.

    Does my not beeing able to love what I never asked for make me or my feelings wrong? Do I not have the right to stop fighting when I am weak to my bones without beeing seen as one who just did not try hard enough? Is giving up a fight you can`t win wrong?

    Whoever loves their body even if you find it or parts of it ugly, good for you all! You`re all martyrs and great fighters.

    But this makes all the bodydysphorics so many people suffer from something nonexistent. Like in “you must not change your body if you hate it, you must just try harder and force yourself to love it anyway” To me this is living a lie!! I want the truth, I want to say WRONG when something is obviously wrong!!

    But I also envy people who can do this….who can love what they have just for beeing `right`.


    Atticus replied:

    It doesn’t make you weak at all. All of us have different stories and experiences, this is just one of many. Nobody is better or worse than anyone, and sometimes knowing that you can’t fight is equally powerful. I just think that it’s good to hear different points of view, yours, mine, ours…it’s all valid


    Cameron Joel replied:

    I’m with Atticus–dysphoria definitely doesn’t make you weak. I think one of the issues with the “trapped in a ___’s body” narrative is its presumed universality and the resulting coercion to fit into it. Just as we (as a gender-defiant community/ies) need to not generalize all trans* people as dysphoric, we also need to support those who do experience dysphoria. Both experiences, and the variations between/among them, are valid individual experience; neither is the whole story of our community/ies.


  2. Thomas

    I love this comment!!!!! Thank you for this positive, re-affirming reminder of how important self-love is.


  3. Maximillian711

    Wahey! Love the sentiment. I quite agree, even though I’m choosing to change mine I can still honestly say that I am loving my body as it is (changing) and as it will be. I refuse to hate my body for being wrong, it could have been so right if it wasn’t for the mismatch between my sex and gender. I honestly hope more people can step out of the ‘wrong body’ narrative and accept what they have, even if it’s on a temporary basis.


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