My privates and gender…

Someone wrote…

My privates and gender have absolutely nothing to do with each other.

What’s your experience?

And what are you thinking about gender right now?

Posted by on June 24th, 2010 at 08:00 am

Category: your voice 10 comments »

10 Responses to “My privates and gender…”

  1. Anonymous

    In fact, mine don’t even like eachother!


  2. Jay

    This, x152731736517256etc.


  3. Logan

    Wow. Succinct, and I feel the same. No correlation whatsoever. And i’m totally okay with that.


  4. Cat

    I just hope that one day one’s anatomy and one’s gender will not even be considered to have a “correlation” between one another.


  5. Toby Fee

    I’d go with the soundbite from This American Life, which went something like:
    ‘If your friend were in a car accident, and their whole body were crushed below the waist, would that change their gender?’


  6. Meike

    I so agree! I try to explain this to people, and I only wish that they’d stop giving me looks of total confusion.


  7. Sarah-Sophia

    I totally agree with Cat. They really shouldn’t HAVE to relate to one another at all.


  8. edi

    i couldn’t agree more! i am graced with the feelings of comfort regarding my breasts and a vagina, and i am quite happy with them. this doesn’t make me any less of a man. (please do not misunderstand me, everyone who has any feelings about their bodies or gender is COMPLETELY justified, regardless of whatever those feelings are.)


  9. Lexi

    Well, my gender and privates are still on speaking terms, but they only see each other once a month for popcorn and a movie then a game of Rummikub.


  10. Jessica

    OK Jay, I know 14285714287_…, I know 314159265387_…, I know 2.71828182845904523536……
    What is “152731736517256 etc.”?

    Yeah, I was an engineer and I read encyclopedias recreationally. and if that weren’t bad enough, I do know how to use a slide rule, too And to top it off, I’m genderqueer. You wanna dance or summut?


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