Profile: Dan

You can call me… Dan

I identify as… Transmasculine?

As far as third-person pronouns go, … I prefer male pronouns.

I’m attracted to… all women regardless of birth assigned sex, trans* men, androgyne persons, anyone who can have a good conversation. Anyone who can cuddle like a champ.

When people talk about me, I want them to… hopefully use my name and pronouns even when I’m not listening.

I want people to understand… That I’m not any less of a man because I wear dresses on occasion.
That you don’t have to be gay to not be a bigot.
Sexuality and gender are not black and white.
I’m just a person. Treat me like one.

About Dan
I’m seventeen. I live in a small conservative town. I’m not out to my mom. My dad is gone, but if he were here he would say, “Yeah, okay.” and then make pot brownies. I like music. I like art. I am mediocre at both. I read like a librarian. I knit and sew like an old woman. When I meet someone, I care very deeply for their safety and well-being. I love too much for my own good.

» Define yourself. «

Posted by on September 5th, 2012 at 08:00 am

Category: profiles One comment »

One Response to “Profile: Dan”

  1. Sam

    You sound like the kind of person I’d love to be friends with. So self-embracing and very daring. I struggle a lot with letting my feminine qualities break through, as a trans-masculine person. Most people know me as a transman, but that’s not the whole truth. I also love cuddles and used to draw grand 19th C dresses. Sometimes I feel caught in the male identity that I display, even though I am still so much more in touch with myself than I was as a girl.


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