Profile: Sea / Hadrian

You can call me… Sea, Hadrian.

I identify as… an asexual neutrois. I wouldn’t purposefully alter my body, but if I woke up one day without any sexual hardware, I would be elated! Elated I tell you!

As far as third-person pronouns go, … I am used to female ones.

I’m attracted to… aesthetically attracted to androgynous/neutrois people. Not feminine men or manly women, but right in between. This is not a sexual attraction. I guess in the ace world we call crushes “squishes” to differentiate this…but that has always seemed to sound loaded to me.

When people talk about me, I want them to… talk about -me-, not about who they think I am or should be based on my biological gender. I also hate it when people assume I (or all people) have sexual interests… sigh.

I want people to understand… asexuality exists. There are people who do not feel gendered. I am not homosexual. I am not heterosexual. Being with the person I love does not mean we are having sex. We are simply best friends.

Every so often I will wear a dress (like, once every two years). But that doesn’t mean I feel like a woman ;P

One last thing: I am Christian. I sometimes feel that there is this assumption that anyone outside of gender/sexuality norms could not possibly be Christian. So I want “people” to understand, or rather remember, that there are people in this nonheteronormative camp who do care very deeply for Christianity as a spirituality (though I can’t say much for the American culture of it… blegh). A lot of the mudslinging that goes on toward Christianity as a whole is kind of hurtful. There are several large, liberal, open-minded denominations who are allies.

About Sea, Hadrian
Sea spends too much time in thought, not enough time in action, and way, way too much time at school.

» Define yourself. «

Posted by on December 20th, 2012 at 08:00 am

Category: profiles 3 comments »

3 Responses to “Profile: Sea / Hadrian”

  1. Joss/Ames

    Your outfit is fantastic!! :)


  2. Leigh

    Sea/Hadrian, thank you for sharing this. I’m also a Christian and wish the mudslinging would stop and that people who call themselves Christians would act like Christ, not follow the “rules” of religion. The first thing Jesus wanted us to do was love each other! That’s what I aim to do :) thanks girl!!


  3. Izzy/Scott

    Hi Sea/Hadrian. Firstly, I love your style! Secondly, thank you for sharing this. :) I can really relate to a lot of what you said pertaining to asexuality and, even more, the fact that I’d be overjoyed to wake up and not have any “sexual hardware”. It’s always excited to see that there are people out there who feel the same way I do! My tumblr is so if you have a tumblr too, let me know ^ ^


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