
Someone wrote…

I’m what society would deem a transman and my partner is what society would deem a homosexual man, though neither is true as we are both more complex than this.

Yesterday my cousin asked how we defined our relationship. It’s amazing how many people feel the need to ask that question.

What’s your experience?

And what are you thinking about gender right now?

Posted by on July 16th, 2014 at 08:00 am

Category: your voice One comment »

One Response to “Society”

  1. Joe

    Different gender and sexual practices can be weird for people that actively practice the socially accepted norm.

    I am a cis female and my significant other is a cis male. We are both pansexual with a preference for the same gender. We are also polyamorous. I have lots of people ask how we have sex lol I have no qualms answering such questions though most people regret they asked. lol (serves ’em right)

    Anyhow, what I’m trying to get at is that ignorance is only corrected by education even if the education is telling them that their questioning is inappropriate. The more open you are the faster those around you will be educated and, like a ripple effect, they will tell their friends and so forth. Eventually it becomes common knowledge that people shouldn’t be asked these things and they can’t always be so easily defined. People are complex.


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