The manifestations of the human body

Someone wrote…

I often find myself wondering why gender and sexuality are such an issue.

If someone is born female but feels male (and the other way around)… shouldn’t we, as a people, help this individual to become “healthy” or “whole?”

And if some one wants to be in between some place, what is it any of anyone else’s business? Why can’t people, at a minimum, mind their own damn business?

If you don’t like what other people choose to do with their bodies and lives, it seems to me to be your problem, not theirs, in any shape or form. Don’t look if it makes you uncomfortable because there are plenty of people that enjoy all of the manifestations of the human body and will do that which is within their power to assist others to feel comfortable in their bodies, emotions, and life. If someones gender or sexual orientation prevents you from wanting to know them then you are completely undeserving of said individuals attention.

What’s your experience?

And what are you thinking about gender right now?

Posted by on September 18th, 2014 at 08:00 am

Category: your voice Comment »

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