
Someone wrote…

I’ve been using a binder for almost ten years now. Living in a small country in the north, this means that I have to buy them online from faraway places.

For the first time ever, I’m having to pay some sort of customs duty or whatever for a binder, so I set out on the national customs webpage and check out the product categories they have there.

… they categorise men’s and women’s clothes separately. That’s all the clothes categories they have.

I’m not sure where the injury is here, but I feel like this is adding insult to something.

What’s your experience?

And what are you thinking about gender right now?

Posted by on July 10th, 2016 at 08:00 am

Category: your voice 2 comments »

2 Responses to “Customs”

  1. Anonymous

    Can you recommend a reliable binder? I just can’t seem to find a good brand.

    Thank you!


  2. anta

    I don’t know what counts as a reliable binder. Binders of different styles are good for different people. I’ve tried many different binders over the years, and for a long time I only wanted to use binders with velcro, and that limited my options.

    Now I’m using a tanktop binders from gc2b ( ). I’ve had trouble with sizing, but they replied to all my questions via email and I’m thankful for that. I haven’t been wearing it for very long yet, so I don’t know how durable it is. (It’s a bit of a vicious circle that if you only have one, it’ll wear out more quickly, but to have two you’ll have to buy another one without knowing how durable they are.)

    Before I’ve used Love Boat’s binders ( ), but there was some hassle with the payment methods they accepted from my country, and also their answers to my emails were somehow cryptic.

    I think I had some similar payment problems with T Kingdom ( ), but that was years ago and I don’t really recall. Have fond memories of their M1700 (I think), haven’t actually thrown the last ones out yet even thpugh they are too stretched to wear anymore.

    It’s kind of hard to give anyone recommendations for binders without knowing how much they can afford, where they live (shipping and customs can be a pain) and if they have some “special” needs. Personally I’d still be more comfortable wearing a velcro binder, because I’m always afraid that I start feeling ill and have to get it off really quickly (which has heppened once, like six years ago).

    Hope this helped!


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