Archive for June 2015


Reposted from the-unfeminine-aesthetic. (via dinoshade.).

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Posted by on June 4th, 2015 at 10:00 am

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Question: What Should I do?

MasterRK9 asks…

I’ve come to the conclusion that I’m bisexual, and that will never change. But on discovering that, I’ve uncovered a more perplexing labyrinth of lies and confusion for myself. I’ve come out to my friends that I’m bisexual and they’re okay with that, but I don’t know how’ll they react to telling them I think I’m trans, let alone to my parents.

My parents are traditional, with a nuclear relationship and career status. My sisters all have severe health issues, fibromyalgia, and other horrible diseases that are engraved in genetics, and I don’t have that, so it appears that I’m the one that’s “normal”. If I told them now I was a bisexual trans, it would put more stress on them. They love me, no matter what, they told me directly, even if I were homosexual, but I’m not prepared for the questioning. My dad will question every minute detail there is, even though I’m still confused, and my mom will just yell at me until I answer my dad. They both love yelling, but that’s the one things that deteriorates me fastest. But if I respond better to a softer tone, it’ll only confuse them even more which will lead to more questions and yelling.

I’m thinking I should wait until my dad is deployed somewhere and tell my mom since she’ll take it in easier and then be the one to break it to him. I haven’t told my parents my sexual orientation, nor about what I’ve been feeling for the past 6 years.

I’ve told specs of my thoughts to one of my closest friends, since I’ll know she won’t care, and she doesn’t, but there’s another that I know will never let go of it, and rub it in my face until the end of time.

I’m fourteen now, born female, and I don’t like it. I like it when people call me by male pronouns by mistake, but it feels awkward, even with female pronouns. I relate more with my guy friends, in a close, tight group of 7, 5 girls and 2 boys, but they all act the same. I want to wear more masculine clothing and do more things that’s more associated with boys, but my parents won’t let me. Especially my dad. He decides what I wear, so it’s really girly things, but I’ve manipulated him now to wear more what I want, but it’s still really feminine. I want to wear what my tomboy friend wears, since it’s still a little feminine as a compromise, but he won’t allow it. I’ve already decided that when I have enough money, I’ll get my breasts removed (they’re annoying). And even my screen name is Master, instead of Mistress.

I want to tell them, everyone, but I can’t handle what they’ll ask me. Especially my parents. My mom has seriously considered sending me to a therapist for my anger and violence (it’s also genetic, doesn’t helps with my muscular build). So I’m planning on getting to the point where she’ll send me to the therapist, and tell them.

I really need help. I have no relations with other LGBT in real life, but if I start going to recreation centers and conventions for them, they’ll start questioning me. I can’t explain anything to save my life to anyone I know, so I’m asking people I don’t know. What should I do?

Please post your response in the comments below.

» Ask Genderfork «

Posted by on June 4th, 2015 at 08:00 am

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Naturally Me

Submitted by Jaz, the model.

“Guess my gender… no please don’t!

I was always in between, but as I was young, I thought, because I didn’t felt right with my given gender role, I have to be the opposite. Today I know that this is not true, I can be myself, be neither man nor woman. I can show my body the way it is. Of course I get weird looks and people still try to correct me in my behaviour and my looks, as they think I should behave or look like. But I don’t want to listen to them anymore. I don’t want to fit in their gender-binary system. If I like to wear a dress I will, if I like to wear a suit, I’ll do.

No matter what other people suppose I should be. I will always be myself, because wearing a mask to disguise your true self makes no sense. To be fake doesn’t make you happy. It never will.”

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Posted by on June 3rd, 2015 at 10:00 am

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Profile: Lee

You can call me… Lee

I identify as… My gender identity is female. My energy is feminine with heavy masculine overtones. And my gender expression is queer.

I see myself as a gender variant because I want to keep my female body, but also push it towards being more male like (muscular, beard, lower voice, boxy silhouette, etc).

As far as third-person pronouns go, … I identify with She/her, but also like to be called he/him.

I’m attracted to… Mostly I’m into men. Sometimes I’m attracted to people of other genders, but not as often.

When people talk about me, I want them to… Be honest. We can’t understand gender better without being real about it.

I want people to understand… That queerness comes in many forms and they’re all okay. And that people like me aren’t common, but we do exist. And we are just as valid and deserving of respect as anyone else.

About Lee

» Define yourself. «

Posted by on June 3rd, 2015 at 08:00 am

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Eating Rainbows

Reposted from Oc-cult..

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Posted by on June 2nd, 2015 at 10:00 am

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Knowledge Burst

Someone wrote…

I want some really, really, really famous person to say that female and male are sexes not genders, man and woman are genders not sexes, and that pronouns are masculine and feminine not male and female. We can all say it in our personal circles, but it needs a speed-round knowledge burst from someone with major influence. If everyone got on the same page with words, maybe we could all get on the same page with concepts that defy the words.

What’s your experience?

And what are you thinking about gender right now?

Posted by on June 2nd, 2015 at 08:00 am

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Question: Am I Demiflux, Demifluid, or Genderfluid?

Gabe asks…

Hello, my name is Gabe (not my real name). I am for sure panromantic. I am still confused about sexuality, though I am most likely Demisexual. I am also confused about my gender. I have been going by genderfluid, but upon researching more about gender, I have started questioning it.

I have come upon the terms “Demiflux” and “Demifluid” I was beginning to think, I may be one of those. When I fluctuate between being female, male, both, or neither, I still feel a small tiny bit of male inside. (I was born as a female. I am not out to anyone about anything, yet) I was thinking I was a Demiboy. But I feel a small part Boy, sometimes the rest is female, sometimes I feel like both. It may not make sense, but sometimes half of me is boy, the other half is boy and girl? I am unsure and new to these terms, so I’m not sure what I am.

I also wanted to ask, can a genderfluid person be demiboy and genderqueer/genderfluid at the same time?

Can genderfluid fluctuate between demiboy, female, male, both, etc. Thank you very much!

Please post your response in the comments below.

» Ask Genderfork «

Posted by on June 1st, 2015 at 08:00 am

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